November 21, 2008

Tamir's a Proud Member of the Gorgeous Gingers and Fierce Fighter Friday

Mom has really been bad about catching up with things! A few weeks ago Tamir found out he was accepted into the Gorgeous Gingers Club!!
Tamir is now a


There are lots of other Gorgeous Gingers in the club....Colby & Cheddar, Chica & Pumuckl, Fat Eric and the lovely Miss Peach are just a few. Please stop by and visit all of them!Gorgeous Gingers Rock!!!

On a scary note...our Cousin Ty got outside and went up into the tree. Here's a picture of the little guy up in the tree that Uncle Jim took. Ty is VERY high up, so he's hard to see in the picture. (Uncle Jim got Ty down safely).

Whiskers and Purrs have declared today Fierce Fighter Day. "On this very special day, we is askin' that our dear friends on the innernets remember all of the Ones That Came Before that have bravely fought battles with cancer, FIP, diabetes, or any other struggle, and have now gone on to watch over us. These brave little soldiers fought long and hard to be with us but the only way they could win the battle was to go on to heaven. "

We would like to honor two sisters of ours that passed since we moved to Florida. The first is Fooz. Fooz was Daddy's kitty when we moved here. Foozie lived a long life. She developed CRF at the end of her life and fought for a long time. If you click on her picture it will take you to her memorial page.

The second sister we would like to honor is Cory. Cory and Sniffie were littermates and super close pals. Cory was also Daddys little girl. Cory passed way too young. Click on her picture to take you to her memorial page.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tamir! Of course you should be a member because you are gorgeous!

Daisy said...

Hooray for you Tamir! You are a very handsome ginger cat!

Did Ty get down safely?

Anonymous said...

Ohh Congrats Tamir!! even though you do not look too impressed hehe
Did your cousin get down ok?!?! What a naughty little guy!!!


Sweet Purrfections said...

What a beautiful Ginger kitty. Be careful climbing up in those tall trees!

ZOOLATRY said...

Congratulations handsome Tamir!
And thank you for sharing memories of the beautiful two who came before...
(ps keep a close watch on Ty, next time he might make it to the beach!)

Karen and Gerard said...

You are very gorgeous! You certainly do belong in that club! Ty is very brave climbing up so high in that tree. He must have some very sharp claws!

BeadedTail said...

Congratulations Tamir on becoming a member of the Gorgeous Gingers!

I'm glad Ty got down safely! Hopefully he got climbing trees out of his system and stays on the ground from now on!

Everycat said...

Tamir you are gorgeous, we love ginger chaps! Ty up the tree! Gosh scary! Fooz and Cory were such lovely cats, we hope you can remember them with smiles and not too many tears

Anonymous said...

Yoo has a bootiful sister! Concatulations Tamir yoo is a lovely ginger !!

The Island Cats said...

Hi Tamir! I'm a member of the gorgeous gingers club too! Whew! We're happy Ty got down from that tree safely. That looked a little scary.

And we bet Fooz and Cory are playing together at the bridge...thanks for sharing their pictures and stories with us.


Ana said...

Gingers are gorgeous - so true!

Did they have to call the firefighters to rescue Ty from the tree like we are always shown in movies? ;-)