October 15, 2014

The Annual Cat Blogosphere trip - Niagara Falls

Welcome to the 2014 Cat Blogosphere trip to Niagara Falls - Hosted, as always, by the amazing Gracie!

photo by Gracie
Sammy drove the bus....there were loads of great sights along the way....

photo by Gracie

We made a quick stop for gas and some of us decided to check out the barrels.  Raz, Sammy, Gracie, Allie and Madi checked them out for size and comfort....


Ellie went first......

Allie seems to have changed her mind but it was a bit too late.....

The Birman girlz survived and shared "barrel" stories as they dried off...

We spotted the Oscar Mayer winermobile right outside the entrance to the park......and decided to take a family photo.

want to see more of the trip?  Visit the Tabby Cat Club today and tomorrow. Don't forget to add your link below


The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like you had a terrific day ! Purrs

Anonymous said...

Wow What a pawsum time yous all havin'.

Luv ya'


Marty the Manx said...

We weren't brave enough to go over the falls in the barrel! Did we sleep through the Weiner Mobile?????

Hannah and Lucy said...

You've got some lovely sunshine for your visit.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

YAY for the birman girls! they really did it! woohoo! what's a trip to the niagara falls without a ride in a barrel? paws up for two brave girls!

Marg said...

Oh that looks so scary to go over those falls. Great pictures and you all look like you had such a good time.Take care.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

OMC! You girls are oh so brave. What was it like going over that falls. Were you afraid.
Thanks to Raz and Sammy for helping me host the 2014 Trip.

CATachresis said...

WOW! That was exciting, I bet!! You were very courageous!!

My Mind's Eye said...

That was a barrel of fun Raz...
thank goodness we all stayed dry
Hugs madi your gal

Terri said...

What brave girlcats! I'd have watched from the sidelines, too :)

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT trip and it's extra cool that all of you are there (poor Cubby could have worn a cat disguise and come too!).

Hugs, Sammy

Anonymous said...

Wow...you cats are having a great time! Niagra Falls is awesome...looks like you are on the American side. Allie and Ellie....you two are a couple of daredevils....but second thoughts at the last minute? Dudettes, do you ever have a big story to tell....hahaha


Kitties Blue said...

Sure wish we could have attended. Mau would have loved to go over the Falls with his beautiful Allie so they could hold paws. Mom is so over-extended and with eight of us it is so hard for us to go on these trips. It looks beautiful, and Mau is sending hugs, kisses and headbonks to Allie. He asks that she purrlease be careful and get back home safely. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Timmy Tomcat said...

We sure are glad you ladies made it over the falls alright. Seems there are a few wet kitties this trip MOL.
Wow where is that Weinermobile parked? We want some doggies. The kind that don't bark and are good to bite
Timmy and Family

Katie Isabella said...

This is plain ADORABLE! I LOVE it. Adorable!!!

pilch92 said...

Looks like a fun trip! http://15andmeowing.com

The Island Cats said...

Wow, what a fun trip! We can't believe you went over the falls in a barrel. That was something.

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Ooooooo you guys sure got a spooky header!

This Niagara Falls trip is fun. We just wish we could get our Falls turned on for as much Falls as you guys got!


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

and me missed all the FUN , just because my mom-person is having a cold :(


Clooney said...

Oh Allie, we hope it turned out ok! Great post.