August 12, 2016

Flashback Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins with Raz

We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by McGuffy's Reader and 15 and Meowing.

Here are this weeks fill-ins.  Raz is answering for us this time.

1. My nickname is Razzle-Dazzle, RazMan, Razzle Dazzle Roo
2. The first thing I ever won was _A cool prize package for my spaghetti and meatball costume in Sammy's Sam-O-Ween Contest__________.
3. I have never been to _The beach other than as my flat self .
4. Next year _I will be five and hope to have a super party! . 
In case you missed my costume from that it is!  If you missed the post, click HERE to see the video of us enjoying my prize package!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Loved the answers...

Summer at said...

I LOVE that costume, Raz! It was totally a winner.

Mr Puddy said...

Fantastic Costume =^x^=

easyweimaraner said...

I love the name Razzle Dazzle, like the furst ship of wolf larsen in jack london's seawolf :o)

Anonymous said...

You SOOOOOOOOOOO deserved a prize for your spaghetti and meatballs costume that year Raz. I wonder what you'll come up with this year?! The only time I've been to the beach was when I visited you in "flat form"....thanks for the opportunity to see sand.

Happy Friday!
Love, Sammy

Cats Herd You said...

That's a brilliant costume, Raz! We hope you got plenty of treats for wearing that.

pilch92 said...

Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, those are great answers Raz. I remember that costume- you deserved to win, it was fantastic. My kitties all want to go to your big 5th birthday bash. XO

Kitties Blue said...

Raz that truly was an inspired costume. You definitely razzle-dazzled everyone wearing it. Mau is sending his beautiful, sweet and gentle wife love and purrs and more kisses than he can even count! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Purrseiodn said...

Great answers, Raz! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Collie222 said...

That's quite the costume!!! No wonder you won!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

Cute spaghetti and meatball costume.

Suzanne McClendon said...

I bet your mommy will give you an awesome 5th birthday party. The costume is cute. :)

I hope that you have a blessed weekend!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....knot onlee R theeze grate answerz but thiz iz de awesumest coztoom ever!!!!!!! heerz two a sand knifefish kinda week oh end guys !! ☺☺☺ ♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Great answers and costume, Raz.

The Island Cats said...

Raz, that was a super costume...and you so deserved to win your prize.

Sasha said...

what an amazing costume. Decorative ropes? As long as the human is not trying to tie you up.

Patricia said...

You must be quite the cat with those nicknames. Love the costume definitely, win worthy.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That costume is awesome!!! And I love your nicknames. :)

Nicknames, #Winning, Never Been, and Next Year – Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday Fun

Anonymous said...

I love that photo! I must say that as a kid, I had a huge rabbit named Razzle-Dazzle.
Sorry that I am late. Life has been complicated lately. I appreciate you being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins! Hugs!
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~