Thank you so much for your purrs and prayers for me again. Mom was super scared when I fell and couldn't get up Sunday night, but Dr. Kaseta is pretty sure that the medicine I was on did it to me. Mom gave me a private "suite" where I can eat and sleep and do effurything else a kitty needs to do in private and I am very happy. Mom even took a nice long nap with me yesterday.
To Mom's surprise, I ate my dry food! She thinks I might have been eating more than she thought. We're still on poop watch (MOM! why are you sharing that!!!) Dr Kaseta said I didn't have to come in until Thursday when I get my stitches out.
Here I am trying to get a decent nap in! Thanks for all your love and support - I love you all!

Well I for one am heaving a big sigh of relief. Not that I am going to stop purring! You are not all the way completely better yet, Sniffie, so there is still work to do!
Oh we are so sorry ~ we had no idea Sniffie was poorly again yesterday 'cos we didn't do any blogging. Fank goodness the noos is better today. We will purr and purr until Sniffie is completely recovered.
Good to hear that there is nothing too serious. Rest up and get well soonest. I am still sending my purrs.
Tomorrow is my 13th birthday. Please come over to my little garden and share some snacks/treats and drinks.
We are sorry you had a bad spell Sniffie! Have a nice rest in your private recovery suite!
Sniffie, just stay on lower levels until you feel all better. Ok? We know what it's like to be a bit messed up from meds. Hang in there!!!
Luf and hugs, Us
We're so glad you're feeling better, Sniffie, but don't scare us like that!! We're glad you're getting the VIC treatment.
Sniffie you gave your mom such a fright and also your friends. We are pleased you have eaten some and are getting special time with your mom on your own. You will be much better when your stitches are taken out too.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Poor Sniffie. Please get better soon.
Sometimes meds can make us wobbly and/or dopey; was it that? In any event, we're glad you seem to be okay now. But please take care and get better soon!
I am glad to hear that is probably it, but we still send purrs to you sweetie!
We are relieved you are feeling better Sniffie. We will continue some purrs just in case, ok?
we is glad you is feeling better Sniffie!!!! we is still purring for you!
I for two am heaving a huge sigh of relief. That is such good news. We are so glad that you have your own private room now and that we are getting poop reports. MOL.
We are sending lots of purrs, two woofies, two HeeHaws and a Baa. Hope you keep improving.
Have a great day.
Take care Sniffie, we hope you are better soon and have a good appointment on Thursday!
Oh Sniffie, we are so glad that you are doing better! We will be sure to keep purring and praying until you have a clean bill of health, okay?
Great news!...We are so relieved you are doing well and it was just the meds that made you feel bad again=we love you so much, gorgeous girl!!...Happy dreams, kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I am glad you are going to be okay! YEAH!!! Eat more, okay?
Oh my gosh sniffie we are so sorry we didn't know you were having a problem! we came to give healing purrs and prayers. Please be well friend
Glad to hear you're doing better and that you're eating. Napping is good too. Us kitties need lots and lots of naps.
We're so glad you are doing better Sniffie! We were very worried about you so we're glad you have your own special suite and that your mommy is staying in there with you to watch over you. We'll still purr for you to keep getting better!
I'll do some extra napping to help woo!
Sniffie, we are relieved that you are feeling better. Keep up the eating and get the other end "going" too. Purrs for you and your Mom.
And we dearly love you, Sniffie, and we are soooooooooo happy that you are home. We continue to purr for you, sweet girl. xxxxxxxxxxx
Sniffie, we are so glad you are feeling a bit better - and eating! (Eating is very important!) We are sending you many purrs!
XXX from Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha
P.S. Thanks so much for your purrs for Blackie! He is OK but they weren't able to remove the tooth - the vet stopped the surgery because of heart issues. We are thankful that he has such a great vet.
thank goodness! we are so happy to hear this . this is good news.
you rest and heal. and we luvs those toesies!
thank you for grabbing our fundraiser button. we appreciate your support. AND thank you for being our first customer !!! we saw you placed an order. our very first one :) THANK YOU!! i look forward to making the tarts for you .
p/s's: because you were our very first customer to order our tarts we special mentioned you on our fundraiser bloggy today & linked your url for others to come visit your cat bloggy as well.
our thanks to you!
A close call, Sniffie, but one you got through with flying colors! Brave Mum and all of our purrs will be there for you! (esp. on Thursday).
Silly Blogger keeps eating our comment but we will try again.
We are glad you are feeling better and we will keep purring for you until your stitches are out and you are all better.
So glad you're doing better, Sniffie. You sure scared your mom and friends.
Oh sweet relief!
Sniffie we have been so worried but we feel so much better now reading that you are doing better.
We will still keep you in our purrs and we will send you our healing purrs so that you continue to get better and better.
You're looking awfully cute there, Sniffie. We are still purrin that you are feeling all better real soon.
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
I can't believe I am just now commenting on your post. I honestly thought I stopped by this morning, but it must have been my mom on FB. Glad to hear that Sniffie is doing better. Keeping my paws crossed.
We are thrilled to hear you're feeling better! No wonder your poor Mom was so scared!
I'll keep purring about the poop thing though ;-)
Sniffie we are so glad you are feeling better! We think it is good for you to be in your own room to rest and recuperate for a while. We hope you are feeling 100% very soon, and are still sending over lots of purrs and prayers!
Sniffie, we send more purrs and tail wags your way. We hear you aren't eating still. Hopefully, the vet can ease your mom's mind tomorrow.
Sniffie - please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers in this house of dogs and cats.
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