Mom had to take Sniffie to the ER V-E-T last night. We think the appetite stimulator might have been too much for her and she fell and couldn't get up. Mom had already stopped it, but Sniffie had it for 3 days. They gave her some fluids, scared Mom to death with talk about ultrasounds to see if there are other lumps, and sent us home. Mom will check in with our V-E-T tomorrow. Sniffie is fine right now and has her own "suite" so Mom can see what she's eating, drinking and know!
Last Friday our Sisfurs were featured by our Pals Sammy and Andy as Femme Friday Cats in Hats.
We ManCats decided that we can wear hats too and keep our Manly ManCatlyness!
Tamir likes the casual Baseball Cap look......

Even TinKitty got into the act in his jaunty Red Beret!!

Oh no! I'm very concerned about Sniffie - I am sending her emergency purrs right now. Please keep us updated!
Love the hats! ;-D
Purrs & Purrayers from all of us to all of you & Sniffie!
Nikita Cat
Elvira Mistress of Pussydom
Daddy Kiril
We are purring loudly for Sniffie's total recovery; best of luck to that gorgeous girl=we love her...The mancats look handsome in their hats=a very fun, cute post!...kisses to Sniffie, hugs to Mom...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Sending emerjency purrrrss and healing purrrrayers to Sniffie. Come on, Sniffie, quit scaring your Mom.
Purrs and purrs and more purrs for Sniffie. We'll check back later. Hope all goes well for her.
Oh Sniffie! Have you been on the nip wine?
Seriously, we are sorry you had this fall, and we hope that it was just the medicine and being a bit dehydrated that made this happen.
We send you and your Mom, lots of love and rumbly purrs to help you get over this. We'll keep looking out for updates too.
Whicky Wuudler
& The Ape
Oh, no, Sniffie! We're purring hard for you and sending tons of healing Light. Please get well soon and stop scaring your mom!! Hugs and kitty kisses to all!
Thinking of you each day...
purring and praying for Sniffie.
We are sending Sniffie lots of big purrs to feel better.
The mancats look very handsome in their hats.
Purring for you, Sniffle!
- Sherkhan
Oh dear me...I will be worrying about you again now sweet Sniffie.
Please get well again completely....
Love Miss Peach
Oh Sniffie, I'm so sorry! Harley and I are sending our very best purrs for you!
BIG purrs to Sniffie!! We are purraying it was just a reaction to the pills and she will be all better now! We love you, Sniffie!!!
Healing purrs to Sniffie. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.
We loves your manly hats.
Very sorry to hear about Sniffie! I hope it's nothing serious, and just the meds causing the problem..
Those are great hats you guys have!
And we're purring for Sniffie...we hope she is okay!
Special purrs for Sniffie. Mom saw this on FB last night and our purrayers began immediately! Please keep us updated.
Oh dear poor Sniffie - we are sending a trillion purrs your way.
We are going to say some purrayers for you too.
We loved the man cats in their hats.
Luv Hannah and Lucy
kisses for Sniffie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh dear, we are sending tons of purrs, some woofies, some HeeHaws and a Baa. Lots of hugs to Mom too cause we know she is so worried. Wonder if she had a little seizure. Please keep us posted about Sniffie.
Take care. All our paws are crossed for Sniffie.
OMC! Sniffie, you poor dear! We are sending lots of healing purrs to you today. (((HUGS)))
Love you mancats in your hats. Cousin Trouper, we especially love you in your top hat!
We will be purrring hard for Sniffie!
Cute Mancats in their hats.
~ The Bunch
Sniffie we are purring extra hard for you! How scary that you fell like that.
OH NO!!! We are sending our bestest PURRSSSSS to Sniffie!
Those are some very fancy hats!
We are purring and purraying for Sniffie!
We are sending our strongest purrs and purrayers to Sniffie ... please feel better soon sweetie ♥
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too
My sisters and I are purring for sweet Sniffie, hopefully she will be all better soon! The hats are terrific!
p.s. Please keep us posted on the sweetest Sniffie.
We hope Sniffie is doing better this morning. We are sending love and purrs!
Sending lots of purrs to Sniffie. I'm hoping that she does fine and continues to recover.
Purrs from me and hugs from Mom.
Poor Sniffie! That sounds awful. ::nosetaps
oh, noes! we are revvin' up our purr motors again, shiftin' into high gear fur you sniffie!!!
soft headbonks from alla the meowers
(HUG) to yer mom from ours
we are purrring very hard for Sniffie.
and we LOVE your hats guys!
Oh nos!!! We will purr very hard for Sniffie!!! I wish we had seen this sooner to get started purring sooner. Keep us updated--we think that sounds worrisome and hope that you have better news later.
Oh dear Sweet Sniffie has been through a lot and we are purrin our hardest for you darlin'!
Love love love the hats on the boys!
purrin for Sniffie
Oh, poor Sniffie and mom. We hope Sniffie is okay. Purrs and tail wags from all of us and a hug from Jan.
I'm a-purrin' and a-purrayin, Miss Sniffie!
Oh No! I am sending good wishes and prayers for Sniffie. When Felix had his Knee surgery he was VERY unsteady from his pain meds. I think a lot of meds affect Cats more strongly than the vet anticipates. Fingers crossed it was an isolated incident.
{{hugs}} MomKat Trish
Oh noes! Sniffie we are sending you many purrs and hope you feel better soon! Hugs to your mommy too!
We think all you Mancats are very handsome in your hats too!
Oh, NO!!!!!!! Poor dear, sweet Sniffie, we are purring mightily for you.
We love the hats!!!!!!!!! And of course our mama went "bonkers" over them......
We love y'all.
Purrrrrs and prayers for Sniffie!!! Hugs from our mommy to your mommy!
We are praying and purring for Sniffy.. Get well soon sweet one.. LOve the hats.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh no - we are sending over lots of purrs and prayers for Sniffie - we hope she is just having a reaction to the meds and that it will wear off and she will be ok!
And we think all you mancats look so handsome in your hats!
Paws khrossed Sniffie has improved by now...
AND stays better!
Just love your mancat hats :-)
I hope Sniffie will be ok, that must have been very scary!
How ya doin', Sweet Sniffie? I hope you're feeling better and your appetite is improving. You've got lots of purrs and purrayers comin' your way from me, too!
Oh, you mancats look very handsome in your hats. We are all purring as hard as we can for Sniffie!
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs Bendrix and I are turning our purr and prayer buttons up to 11. purrrrrrrs please keep us posted
PS Boys, you look very Mancatly in your hats
Sending love and purrs for Sniffie. Your hats look dashing boys!
Sending Sniffie and all of you lots and lots of purrs!
Oh dear! Poor little Sniffie. I sure hope coming off the appetite stimulants will do the trick for her and that she'll be all right after that. It's good to keep her calm and quiet right now, that's for sure.
And the hats are adorable on Tamir and Cousin Trooper. Tin Kitty -- well that's another thing entirely (LOL)!
we are purring loudly here for you !! please keep us all updated of course. purrs, and purrs and purrs. and a headbutt and a hug.
TINKITTY! there he is. look at him. he looks so grown up & sharp in his getup. we love it. he looks very happy in his new home. thank you for stopping by & telling us his pic would be here. so cute!
-Us4 Cats
Lots of purrrrrs and prayers for Sniffie!!!
((((((((HUGGGGGSSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Continued purrs for sweet Sniffie. So sorry she fell and hope she is herself soon.
Poor Sniffie, (((HUGGS)) and always purrz....we wuv you=^Y^=
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