August 21, 2008

Needs Meme - Ellie Needs

Can somebody please ask Fay to go away? We're really tired of this. Mom is getting worried about leaving us today. We told her we're ok, but she worries a lot.

Ellie thought she would try her hand at the needs meme. Here is what she came up with:

1. Ellie needs a Tetanus Shot (OH NOES! NO STICKY THINGS!)

2. Ellie Needs a Nap (so what else is new??)

3. Ellie needs to be crated when she is home alone (???)

4. Ellie needs more than $8300 (so who doesn't?)

5. Ellie Needs Your Vote ( IS an election year!)

6. Ellie needs some Mama time. (but only when SHE wants it!)

7. Ellie needs more quiet to concentrate. (On her next adventure!)

8. Ellie needs her little pleasures (like Stinky Goodness)

9. Ellie needs a drink (that's what the nice water fountain is for)

10. Ellie needs therapy ???????????????????


Unknown said...

Has the storm passed you by yet? OMC's we'd be furry scared. Are you making sure your mom is safe too? We hope you will be okay.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We hope the storm has gone away from you. Our Momma watches the radar and said Fay does not move much.
Stay safe!!
~ The Bunch

Daisy said...

Ellie, I would vote for you!

This crazy storm needs to go away now. Why doesn't Fay move faster? I hope you are not getting too much rain.

Anonymous said...

No stabbies!! You must put your paw down Ellie!

Chrissie said...

Ellie needs Fay to GO AWAY, already! Please stay inside and away from the big alley-gators that are swimmin' in your rivers-that-used-to-be-streets! I heard they're huntin' them some tender yung joosy cats, and they don't react to Rocky's Vishus Deer Repellant!

L.A. said...

lol...I'm with your kitties. I was sick of Fay too!

Have you looked to see what damage it's done to your beach? It was horrible here.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What's this "crated" thing that Ellie needs? Mom says you have sent her back luck by mentioning a tetanus shot. She stepped on metal today and is afraid she may need one of those.

I am ready for that event that we can't talk about on Saturday!

Lux said...

Okay, Ellie's got *my vote!

Best wishes with the storm, that it passes over or withers away.

The Cat Realm said...

I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
We send purrs for the storm to go away!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great needs meme. Ellie!

We are purring for your guys. Hope that bad storm goes away.

~Goldie and Shade