Welcome to the 236th Carnival of the Cats! There are all kinds of snacks.....

And, of course, Niptinis......

Grab a snack and a beverage and stay for a while! There is a lot going on in the Cat Blogosphere this week!!

Friday was MEOW like a Pirate day and Samantha and Mr Tigger (Cap'n Kathryn Backstabber and Black Blood 'n Guts) from Life from a Cat's Perspective did a great job being Pirates!
Napping is a big theme too! CeCe at iInfidel is enjoying a snooze. At The Scratching Post the Maximum Leader doesn't seem to upset that the Staff is leaving for Vegas! Meanwhile, Ted at The Poor Mouth is not impressed that is bean's attention is on the tv and not him so he is going to nap in front of the TV!

For Current Events check out Sisu where GOP (grand old pussycat) leader Baby Cakes shares the platform with the Republican base
MomMarilynn has posted some neighborhood photos of the past week -- the first week after Ike at Momma Grace & Company and reminds us not to forget about the pets affected by Hurricane Ike.
At Cats ~ Goats ~ Quotes Napoleon and Mom are both getting a good routine for fluids and some good time together.
It's been a busy week for the Gang at Strange Ranger - they have a visitor cat. His name is Bing and he lives next door. Speaking of visitors, there is an Evil Introoder at MANX MNEWS who looks lot like our pal Victor!
Tuxie Tuesday was adorable at the Mind of Mog
Kitty and woofie togetherness is always a nice thing! Here is proof that Pippin (woofie) and Tiger can play together!
Suite 101 can give you how to keep the songbirds safe.
Looking for a new way to get some pets from your bean??? Check this out: Purrsday Night - This little piggy is my pillow
Want to know about Purrsistence? Visit Aloysius who asks the question- Felines rule, do they not? Mom had to stop and look twice since Aloysius looks so much like us!!
So much happening to little time. FAZ
I love the tuna juice cocktail pic! Wow, I've never met a lot of those kitties you mentioned. I need to visit more.
What a wonderful carnival! We're very envious of all your terrific graphics! You did a terrific job.
Marilynn, Grace & Company
I was submitting just before the advertised deadline of 6 PM EST. URL
Wonderful carnival!
Bravo! Bravo!! Wonderful Carnival and great food and drink!! We had a great time!!
Your FL furiends,
Grate carnival yall!!! We loves the toona joose cocktale too!
Fanks yall!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
are those kitty TREATS i see?!?!?!?!
Great job, one wouldn't know you were a first timer. Kitty treats too, this carnival has it all.
Miz Mog and kitties
there's fun for everyone! cool!
Thank you for a wonderful Kitty Carnival! Please pet your cats for me.
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