September 27, 2008

Photo Hunters - View

This week's theme for Photo Hunters is View. Ellie likes the top spot on the Cat Tree because it has the best View!
Ellie also has a good view of what her sister is doing.

Sometimes you need to get a close-up View!

Allie says she likes the View better when they are both on the same level!


Daisy said...

I think the best views are from way up high! I love to climb very high. Cat trees are great!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Scylla loves the view from way up high. She has been very naughty lately getting up high where she isn't suppose to. Socks & me don't like to get way up high.


Hi ~ Socks & Scylla

Anonymous said...

We always try to be first on our Condo because we both want the highest shelf!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Those are nice photos of different views. It's fun when you are taller than the beans!

Hootin Anni said...

roflmao....I too did cats this week.

Mine's up, it's a Cat's Eye View of fun.

Happy Hunting.

mimi11460 said...

What a lovely cats..

Isis said...

What great views you must get from up there!

Corey~living and loving said...

love the kitties. :) what a nice kitty climber too.
Happy weekend.

Mini said...

I think best views are different!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Ellie and Allie are absolutely adorable. Those are really cute pictures.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I sure do like your cat tree!
Both of you look great up there.
~ Noah

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

That is a neat-o cat tree! Good views! We cats must survey our territory, after all.

Lux said...

I like it up high, too. Those are some cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Oh wonderful - and you look so like our Bertie who guards our grapes - unsuccessfully :)

Robin Boland said...

You have some pretty cute cats. Looks like they are enjoying themselves. :-)

Anonymous said...

Heh heh that is just too cool! What a view. :) Here is my view.

BeadedTail said...

What great views you have! You two are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very nice take for today's theme! The cats are so beautiful. I did Photo Hunters today, too. Stop by if you can!

Pok Dell said...

Those kitty must be said...
I'll got a nicer view when it's dark :)

Anonymous said...

The mom says she loves yer fur colours. We fink the view on the furry top is always best too!

Chrissie said...

I need a really high place like you girls have..I bet I could bop everybody on the head as they go by!

Ana said...

That's a wonderful cat tree! I bet you are having a great view from up there!

We do not have a cat tree. That's why we climb up wardrobes and the kitchen cabinets ;-)

tahtimbo said...

That is a great cat tree. I bet they have loads of fun on that:)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love all of these! What beautiful fur babies these are.