January 9, 2009

Finally Friday! Silly Sniffie

Mom knows she posted this picture of Sniffie once before, but she says it makes her laugh every time she sees it so she wanted to show it one more time before the closes out the Christmas Day pictures.

Sniffie and Auntie El playing with the mousie teaser.....
Sniff doing her yoga stretch! We think this picture could use a LOL caption!!! Thanks for indulging Mom - she's still laughing!!


Unknown said...

hehehe so funny i like your stratch pose sniffie!!! you is such a beautiful kitty!! xoxoxoxo Goma

ZOOLATRY said...

Very very good (worth a second post without question).
PS... who won? Did she get it?

castle diva said...

Those photos are amazing and definitely worth a second post.

Ms. P and Cinza

Daisy said...

Whoa! Sniffie, you are very flexible!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I, too, just love the yoga stretch. Thanks for sharing it again.

Skeezix the Cat said...

That is one funny shot!!! Happy New Yeer to all the Florida Furkids!

Anonymous said...

Awww cute kitty belly!!

The Island Cats said...

We're laughing too!

BeadedTail said...

Those pictures are very funny! Your yoga stretch made me chuckle!

Lux said...

We laughed out loud, too - that is the cutest picture! :)

Karen Jo said...

I got a good chuckle out of the yoga stretch picture, too.

Anonymous said...

Hahha it reminds us of a Play school sing.. Momma can't remember all the words but it kinda goes like "bend low bend high, reach for the stars, there goes Jupiter, here comes mars".. hehe


Liz said...

lol, thanks for sharing the fun, i love the stretch!

Moms... Check Nyo