January 6, 2009

Two on Tuesday

Allie and Sniffie think that sometimes the flashy box is really annoying! Hey Mom - we're trying to nap here.....
We're going back to sleep!!


Liz said...

i hope you both had a good nap. you look so comfy on that couch. :D

Sweet Purrfections said...

Yes, kitties on the sofa. I've seen my mom sit on the floor when I was asleep on the sofa.

Anonymous said...

That chair is huge! We don't have big chairs like that. Spunky Doodle likes the rocking chair and by the heater on the floor and Manny usually either lays on the floor by the heater, the couch, the cat tree or the bed.

Chrissie said...

I love that chair! There's room in it for me AND mom. When she's reading a book, she likes to be all comfy and sometimes, there's not room for me. Which is just WRONG!

I'm so glad you've got your computer troubles sorted out..I lost my "go-to" list when Blogroller went down last month. I've had to rebuild it and I just KNOW I'm still missing some friends.

Daisy said...

Sometimes you just have to say to the camera "Enough is Enough!" Unless there are treats to be had.

castle diva said...

We're thinking it's time we took photos of our servants while they're sleeping.

Fair is fair and besides, think of the blackmail opportunities!!

Ms. P and Cinza

Anonymous said...

Oh, the price of beauty!

The Island Cats said...

Yep, we think the beans are just plain RUDE sometimes...flashing that thing in our faces when we're trying to snooze...

Anonymous said...

What is wif the mom's and da flash box? And whiles we takes naps too?? The nerve of dem!

BeadedTail said...

Just can't get away from those flashy boxes can ya?


They look so cozy and just beautiful!

Unknown said...

ohh such a flurffy kitteh sleeping! i wanna sit in the middle!!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

dat a nice big chair to stretch out on