We have lots of NOMS pals, but the one who khomes to mine first is our own kyoot pal Khyra from Khyra's Khorner. Khyra always manages to stop by with a klever comment or a kind word. For a woofie, we think Khyra is Khoool!! We love Khyra!!

pee ess - Mom says those black flutttery things are eating her Snow on the Mountain plants down to bare stalks.
I think I might be tempted to eat your little friend!
Your little friend is quite cute. We had a NOMS visit yesterday (a fly) but we both got him. We hope that is not bad lucky on NOMS day!!!
Your friend Khyra looks like a cool woofie to know
oops, luck* Mom hasn't had her coffee yet
If those fluttery things are eating your mom's plants...they aren't very good friends! It deserves a whapping!
The two of you were pretty patient with that winged bug. If it were me, it would have already been whapped!
We thinks you can whap it if it is eating your Mom's plants. Unless she wanted them too. Beans are kinda weird sometimes and plant things for other things to eat. ~S,S,C & F
We thought the NOMS stodd for NOMNOMNOM...because we would try to eat it! Your furrend Khyra is really kewl...
LOL, what is so funny is that I did the EXACT same thing with Arwen last night! We caught a very interesting looking moth and released him back to his outside home :)
Some NOMS are good NOMS, some are bad NOMS. Sounds like that black fluttery thing is a bad NOMS if it's eating your mom's plants. Whappage and eating would be a proper response.
Khyra, from what we've seen, is a good NOMS...most of the time. She does sometimes threaten to eat kitties in her comments, though. But we think she's mostly kidding...mostly... MOL
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We have seen Khyra around - we may have to stop by there and visit!
And that black bug - I would have whapped it right away (or gotten one of my cats to do it). I don't like black fluttery bugs.
Oh my!
Woo khytties are sure khyss ups...
I mean with World Khat Day just 'round the khorner!
As fur 'threatening' to eat woo, khome to Pawsylvania and I'll show woo!
Tank woo fur the honour and khompliments!
we love Khyra too!
I would wop it no messing.. I just love Khyra so much tooo...
Hugs GJ xx
Khyra is one cool doggie! I have many NOMSS but my original one for Karl's dare has gone to the Bridge since.
Ooo that looks like a fun bug to be chasings! we love flying things; hopefully they will leave your hoomans plants alone soon
Any bug that destroys mom's plants must be ok for you to whap...then eat!
Khyra is a wonderful woofie!
Happy NOMS Day
To all of you
You two suwe awe bootiful and awfully nice
I hope the black fluttewy thing leaves youw Mom's plants alone
smoochie kisses
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