Let us all celebrate ~ World Cat Day.
Celebrate kitties in your own special way.
Those here and near, and those now above,
all the kitties so dear, all the kitties we love.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Since Mom says we celebrate ourselves effuryday, we're celebrating some of the Kitties who came before today. We don't want this to be a sad post - it's a celebration of some of the furry cool kitties Mom has known!
Cory was Sniffie's littermate...

Photo Hunters will return next week. Click HERE to see this week's entries.
Oh no I didn't know. your babies are all so beautiful!!
Please forgive me for not being around the last few days. I have been having a great deal of pain in my back and hip for weeks now.
Today I finally had to see the DR. and I have a pinched nerve.
i didn't want to whine so I didn't tell anyone. But, i don't everyone to think that I have been ignoring them either!!
Happy Cat day and happy weekend!!:-)
How magnificent they all are! Your Mom also has a passion for the exotics! Mom use to do lots of eye makeup... back when she could see to put it on. Those days are long gone! :-D Mom also has a passion of red. It is 'somewhere' in every room!
Happy World Cat Day. We enjoyed seeing the ones who came before. ~S,S,C & F
What beautiful kitties they were~! It's nice that your mom is celebrating them today! We wish all of you a Happy World Cat Day!!!
Lovin' all the long furs (naturally)... great photos of great kitties.
(I'm with Barb; eye makeup, who can see to put it on anymore... but we do remember the silver eyelid-days of yore).
Happy World Cat Day... (an extra purr to the woofies).
Beautiful tribute to the sweeties that came before you! They're all so gorgeous.
Our Mom is the same about remembering the happy times about the kitties. She thinks it's the best way to pay tribute.
Happy World Cat day!
Thanks for sharing those pictures of the ones that came before! What good memories you have of them!
Happy World Cat Day to you all!
(and our mom loves red too...she says every room in the house should have a little red in it!)
We remembered my sister who came before me, too! Such beautiful kitties and a wonderful post.
Pee ess - come on back, the video should be working now.
Happy World Cat Day! What a beautiful post to those who came before. Beautiful babies!
So many, many lovely kitties. Happy World Cat Day to you all.
Our momma says that red is a color of passion and like most of us, your momma ♥s her kitties with a lot of passion. So, red is a good color for her!
We is wishin' ebby kitty in the whole, wide world a safe and comfy WORLD CAT DAY. An we wish that for one day the whole world would do one thing nice fur a kitty that has no home.
Happy World Cat Day!!!
gorgeous kitties indeed.
happy wcd to ya.
Happiest of World Cat Days to you all!
Gosh, those were some very beautiful and special kitties!
Happy World Cat Day to you.
What lovely pictures and happy smiling faces.. My mum also loves reds..
Hugs GJ xx
Our Mommy did the same kind of post today for World Cat Day. It's a lovely way to pay tribute to them, and to the spirit of the day. It's nice to see your kitties who came before.
Happy World Cat to you all!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I loved the pictures! Happy World Cat Day from me to you. Enjoy it in your own special way.
Happy World Cat Day to you all! This was a lovely tribute to the kitties who've crossed the bridge - all of whom were furry pretty!
Happy World Cat Day!
Dat was very wonderfur of you to shows da bootiful sweet kitties before you. Thanks for sharings wif all us furriends!
Momma says she gettings da food up on da site dis weekend and she started wif wellness!
Those are the prettiest kitties I've ever seen!
Thank you for coming by and Happy World Cat Day to you too! It is good to remember all the ones who came before because they will always be with us!
Those were some EXTRA furry and tasty khytties!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Happy World Khat Day!
Happy Werld Cat Day yall!
Alla Us Hotties
Happy World Cat Day to you all!! We loved seeing all the beautiful pictures of the Cats who came before! Purrrs from us!
Your FL fuiends,
OPPS: Mom forgot to sign out of her other Blog first!! That was us above!
Your FL furiends,
Happy World Cat Day!
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