May 2, 2010

Ellie and Allie's birthday and Purring for Herman

As promised, here are our Birthday Party pictures!!

Auntie El and Daddy waiting for dinner...

Present time - tuna flakes are falling from the sky. Notice how Ellie is trying to catch them!! You can really see it if you biggify the picture.

Allie likes this cool toy....

Tamir helps open the gifts...

Hey Mom - these look like fun!

Yippeee - stinky goodness!!

We each got our very own 40 Paws Ham-mick!

Ellie tried hers out right away!!

Happy Birthday, sis....I love you!!

Please vote for us as Calendar Cats in the Cat Blogosphere Nude Cat Calendar Contest. You can click HERE. Please vote for Ellie and Tamir for July, Allie and Sniffie for August and Ellie for November! We're not doing very well and need all the votes we can get! We hope at least one of our pics gets chosen!

One of our good pals, Herman, is really sick and we're going to be purring for him today. Herman is a sweetie and we all love him. His Mom, Karen Jo, is doing effurything she can to keep him happy and healthy. To visit Herman click HERE.
Brian posted this on the Cat Blogosphere

Lots of us participate in Purrs4Peace with Confucius Cat. However, since there is not a Purrs4Peace scheduled for tomorrow I am planning a special Purrs4Herman so I can send my love and support to him and Mom Karen Jo.


Kea said...

Wow, what a fabulous party! Look at all those treats and toys and hammocks! Pawsome!

Karen Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Ellie and Allie! Your hammocks look awesome. Thank you so much for purring for me. I am actually doing better and eating lots more these days.


Brian's Home Blog said...

WeeeeeeOoooooo, now that's quite a party gang! Thanks for participating in Purrs4Herman today.

Everycat said...

Wow! What a wonderful party! All those treats and hammicks too!
That's Fun City Central!

We're purring hard for Herman!

Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry

Sweet Purrfections said...

Looks like you had a great party. I just love the hammocks.

I didn't know about Herman; I'll go by and offer my purrs now.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I love allyour presents especially the hammicks.. You had a great party for sure.. Happy Birthday to you both.. Love GJ xx

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow! What a fab party! It sure looks like you had a great time.

Marg said...

That looks like a super birthday party for all. Happy Birthday to Ellie and Allie. Hope you have a wonderful day. We love those hammocks. The food looks terrific too.
We are purring for Herman too.

The Island Cats said...

What a great party you had!! You got some good gifts! Those ham-micks are so comfy! You're gonna love them!!

We're purring real hard for Herman and Karen Jo. We know all our purrs will make a difference!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. What lovely presents you had - those hammicks look very comfy. We had never heard of catnip flippers - we'll get Mum to go and find us some next week.

CCL Wendy said...

Wow! What a great party! You kitties are very, very spoiled (and rightly so). Each with your own hammock!!! Along with everything else too, of course. It was nice to see all the kitties participating. But where were the woofies? Did they join in too?

We've been over to see Herman and we're purring for him. Last we heard he was a little better, at least he was eating well.

Anonymous said...

We are purring and purring for Herman and his loving mother. We are also purring for God to take away all of Herman's pain and suffering.

Anonymous said...

What fantastic gifts?!? we really like the ne f Allie catching the flakes! Kewl HAMmicks!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

The hammocks look pawsome. We are purring for Herman too as well as the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico that is in danger from the oil spill. ~AFSS

Cory said...

We have those exact same hammicks!!! We love them, although Bennette tries to hog them all the time. You have the bestest parties at your house!

Raymond and Busby said...

Looks like a pawsome party! Tuna flakes falling from the sky? WOW!

Katnip Lounge said...

Wow! What a spread. Daddy gives us foods from the kitchen counter, we call it "sky meat"! We saw some toys that Mommy hasn't gotten for us yet...Mommy!

We're purring hard for Herman.

xx lounge Kats

Jacqueline said...

Fun party pictures=it looks like you guys had a great time at your birthday party...Great toys and treats and those hammocks look wonderful...Good luck on Calendar Cats...We're purring loudly for Herman, hope his health improves soon...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

BeadedTail said...

You two had a great party and got pawesome pressies! Our mommy likes the kitty glasses - we like those hammocks!

We're sending purrs to Herman!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What fabulous toys and hammocks you have! That is excellent!

Summer at said...

I thought tuna lived in the water - I had no idea tuna flakes came from the sky! That all looked like loads of birthday fun! We are all purring for Herman today. He is feeling better, but he still needs our help!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ellie and Allie. Your presents are really great. You had a wonderful party.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful party! If only tuna flakes would fall from the sky here:) Happy Birthday, girls:)

Pee Ess: We voted:)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great presents! We especially love the hammicks!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What great pressies!

Thanks fur sharing them with us!

I've been sending lots of Sibe Vibes fur Herman and khrossing my paws too!


Forty Paws said...

What a totally great party!!! Tons of prezzies and Ham-Micks!!!! Whoo hoo! And tuna flakes falling from the sky!!! You guys look like you had a blast!

Luf, Us

tahtimbo said...

Happy Birthday! Oh, I went and voted :)

Baby Patches said...

Pawsome birthday pawty my furriends! Sorry to hears about Herman, I will sends him Purrrrrrrrrrrrs