We just got home from the V-E-T. The "thing" has moved and now Dr. Kaseta thinks it might just be a fatty blob that Sniffie has always had. Sniffie is perkier today, ate a tiny bit last night and had her nutrical. We're keeping her on the auntie biotic for another week and are hoping that whatever caused her WBC to go up will go away. We'll recheck blood next week. She also got another dose of appetite stimulant.
Thanks for the purrs and prayers - we love you all!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
This week's Photo Hunters theme is HOT.Ellie wants to know if you would like a cup of HOT coffee.

Sniffie is definitely in my prayers and my cats' purrs!!!
Purring for Sniffie; best of luck, we'll check back later...Ellie is lovely...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Poor Sniffie! I really don't want to see her have to go through any more surgery, so I am purring very hard for her!
We're purring hard for Sniffie, sending Light. Paws crossed!!!
We're purring and praying that everything is well.
Ellie looks so pretty sitting there! Sending healing thoughts for little Sniffie to give her strength!
Nice of you to offer, Ellie, but I only drink tea.
We're still purring hard to Sniffie to be okay. We sure hope the "object" moves on along like it should, and that Sniffie wants to eat again.
We are stilling purring and praying a lot for Sniffie. We hope she is OK and doesn't have to have another surgery. We are sending woofs, HeeHaws and a Baa too. Hugs to Mom.
Paws crossed for Sniffie.
We're purring very hard that Sniffie won't need surgery. We hope she feels better very soon.
Mom's having a hot cup of coffee right now!!
We hope everything goes well for Sniffie today and that the object has moved. Please keep us posted.
heheh cute cat..
my hot is here
happy weekend
We are thinking about Sniffie and hope you get good news today. We are keeping our claws crossed for her.
The Mom says think you for the Hot Coffee, she is the only one of us that likes it Scylla tried it and pronounced it nasty. She spit it out.
Purrs that all is well with Sniffie and that thing moved on out.
That's good that the "fatty blob" is moving. Continued recovery purrs for you sweetie! Oh, and don't burn yourself on the HOT coffee! Great Photo Hunt!
Oh yes. Fatty blobs can move around. That's what our Maw says anyway.
Luf, Us
Mommy says she'll take a cuppa!
We're purring hard for Sniffie, we hope her appetite perks up and she starts to feel better. Poor lil thing, this has been a rough few weeks.
Purring for Sniffie! We hope efurrything is going to be fine with her very soon!
Purrs Sniffie!!
It it is just a fatty blob that would be A-O-K! Hot coffee always seems to be popular at our place!
Poor Sniffie. We sure hope you're on the mend now! Purrs to you from alla us.
Good news. I am so happy! I hope mom can rest a little now :)
Some new fur pals and prayers via Margs Animals send Sniffie all the best. Love Merlin, Coco and Domino from Cat Saturday.
Sniffie, please get well soon! Your new fur pals Merlin, Coco and Domino from Cat Saturday.
Purrrrfekhtly good update!
Mom is hooked on hot khoffee - almost as much as adult beverages!
Hope Sniffie gets better soon, and yes, thanks for a cup of coffee !
Yay Sniffie! Glad you are feeling a little better today. We are still purrin'.
And Ellie, mom says that she would like a cup o hot coffee, black. Thanks! :-)
Have a great weekend!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
We're glad the thing has moved and that Sniffie is eating and is perkier! We continue to send her purrs to get well soon!
Ellie, we don't like coffee but we do think that you are absolutely beautiful!
We are glad that Sniffie is improving and eating a bit more. We are sending her more purrs. Mum said,'Yes please, she'd love a cup of coffee.'
I am so glad to hear that Sniffie is getting better. But, I'm not going to stop purring until she is completely well.
Poor Sniffie...
Yes please Allie, the ape would love a hot coffee!
Very glad that the "thing" has moved and Sniffie is eating a bit better, maybe the stitches were a bit uncomfortable and now they are out she feels perkier. We hope she keeps up the eating and poos get going to. We are all sending her big rumby purrs
& Gerry
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