And that is so great that you are helping out Tamir - we agree it is very important for mancats to help with things, especially wrapping because there are fun bows and ribbons and paper!
Good boy Tamir for helping with the presents. A big Happy Birthday to you woofies. You two look way to young to be 10. Hope you had a great day and have many more. Take care.
Happy Birthday to Cubbie and Clifford; we hope you adorable boys get lots of extra cuddles and treats today...Happy week, wonderful friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I hope he doesn't end up in one of them!
You're so thoughtful Tamir! You're pretty cute too!
What a good cat you are Tamir!
That look on Tamir's face - it's clear he won't take no for an answer! How more helpful could a mancat be?
I am sure that you will be very helpful to your Mom, Tamir. Happy Birthday, Cubby and Clifford!
Awwwwwww .. happy 10th birthday to Cubby and Clifford! We hope they have an AWESOME day!
Tamir yoo are VERY helpful! MOL!
Tamir is a great help. How many presents have you helped to wrap?
Happy 10th birthday to Cubby and Clifford!
Happy Birthday, guys!!
I hope the birthday celebration was fun!
Thanks for your kind words for our Rudy!
Happy birthday, Cubby and Clifford!
Tamir, wrapping presents is almost as fun as unwrapping them!!
Happy Birthday to Clifford and Cubby!! They both look ready to party!!
Happy Birthday to Cubby and Clifford!
We're sure you're on Santa's 'good' list, Tamir!
Happy Birthday to Cubby and Clifford! Grete wags her tail 10 times each in your honor!
Tamir, I think being so helpful is worth at least a couple of extra toys from Santa!
How kind of you Tamir - do you put your paw on the ribbon while mum makes the bow?
Happy birthday wishes to Cubby and Clifford.
A very happy birthday to Cubby and Clifford!
Tamir, we're sure you'll be a huge help to your mom, with the wrapping!
Happy birthday to Cubby and Clifford!
Happy Birthday Cubby and Clifford!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday Cubby & Clifford and many, many, many mooooooore!!!
((((((HUGGGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,
Everyone should have a handsome helper like you Tamir! Happy Birthday Cubby and Clifford!!!
Good work Tamir! Any project with paper requires a Cat. It's a rule.
Happy Happy Birthday Cubby & Clifford! We hope you have a great day complete with treats and games!
Happy Birthday to Clifford and Cubby! For woofies, you sure are cute. Do you think Tamir's wrapping up something for you -- or is that for Christmas.
I hope you get lots of special attention today, some dog treats and whatever your little hearts desire!
Happy Birthday Cubby and Clifford! 10 is awesome!
And that is so great that you are helping out Tamir - we agree it is very important for mancats to help with things, especially wrapping because there are fun bows and ribbons and paper!
Good boy Tamir for helping with the presents. A big Happy Birthday to you woofies. You two look way to young to be 10. Hope you had a great day and have many more. Take care.
Happy Birthday Cubby and Clifford. We hope you are having a lovely day. We bet you are very good at present wrapping Tamir.
Happy WooDay to two very handsome "young" gentlemen!
Happy Birthday to our favorite CB woofies!
Happy 10th Birthday!!!
Tamir, you are a really nice dude!
Happy birthday to Cubby and Clifford!
Happy Birthday, Cubby and Clifford.
You're sweet to your mom, Tamir.
Happy Birthday to Cubbie and Clifford; we hope you adorable boys get lots of extra cuddles and treats today...Happy week, wonderful friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
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