April 22, 2012

It's Earth Day!!

Today is EARTH DAY!   In the spirit of Earth Day we're recycling this post from 2009!  Since that date, Mom has gotten really good about using her reusable bags every time she goes to the store!!

Allie says that reusable shopping bags help keep the Earth clean!

And they make a good place to take a nap!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Earth Day. I need to go recycle some food...

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human still forgets her reusable bags WAY too often! She has a mind like a sieve.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The most impawtant part is that they set off the color of your furs, beautifully!

The Chair Speaks said...

You're so pretty, Allie, and the colour suits you! Purrs!

Marg said...

Those bags look like the best place for a nap. And look what a pretty pink color they are. Hope all of you have a super day.

The Island Cats said...

Happy Earth Day! Those pink bags look very comfy!

HH and The Boys said...

Beautiful pictures.

Happy Earth Day.

pawhugs, Max

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Love the pink bags. They will brighten up the shopping. Happy Earth day...HUgs GJ xx

Hannah and Lucy said...

Those bags are much nicer than the ones Mum has - she's such a let down!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Those reusable shopping bags are definitely your colour!

Daisy said...

Happy Earth Day! Those bags are a pretty color.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is one cool bag! Happy Earth Day everyone!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

My mom is losuy on using reusable bags when she is shopping.
But she is good on reuse the bags she buy for other purposes :)

Unknown said...

Earth Day! I could have blogged about that instead of Queen Penelope! For the last one she had a picture of her holding the earth! With me blogging, I could have done that too!
Oh well. Happy Earth day!

BeadedTail said...

Happy Earth Day! We like your mom's pink bags!

GLOGIRLY said...

Reusable AND pink. Now THAT'S a bag!!!!

Happy Earth Day!
Katie & Glogirly

Asta said...

Happy Eawf Day to all of you
Those bags don't just look good , they look comfy too. hewe in Boo daPest,evewyone cawwies theiw shopping bags wif them and buys theiw food fwesh and cawwies it home on foot..stowes don't bag things fow you..you do it youwself..mommi aways has at leaast two foldabull ones in hew puwse at all times..you nevew know when you need to buy pastwies ow fwoots ow a nice snausage
smoochie kisses

Pattyskypants said...

Mai mom sez if she had purrity pink bags like that, she would shop more!! Happy Earth Day! xxoo Bhu

FiveSibesMom said...

How clever to recycle a post today! Love the pink bags - they sure make for a nice bed for you! Happy Earth Day!

Cindy said...

Beautiful against the pink! Perfect.

Gigi said...

Well! Our reusable bags are so boring compared to those! Ours are cheapie black ones that keep getting holes inna bottoms! Hey, Human--let's get some new ones!

Oui Oui said...

The mom just bought some cloth bags featuring kitties for shopping and can't wait to use them! Happy Earth Day!