April 9, 2012

ManCat Monday - A special Birthday and What Would Your Cat Do?

Today a good friend is celebrating a Birthday - Marg from Marg's Pets.

When there is an animal in need ~ it comes to Marg's door.
When there is an animal lost ~ it seeks out Marg.
When there is an animal wanting loving care ~ it will find that with Marg.
A special lady who never turns away any animal ~ the cats, the dogs, the goats, the donkeys,
all are welcomed by her.  None are special ~ all are special.
Marg is always doing for others, organizing and running auctions to
raise funds in support of others in need, never asking for anything in return.
~ ~ ~

Happy Birthday Marg!
Hi pals, Tamir here! The Tabby Cat Club has lots of fun activities. Today's fun theme is What Would A Cat Do hosted by Sassy.

What Would Your Cat Do?

Situation #1
Your human accidently leaves your treats out on the kitchen cabinet before leaving for work.  You are not allowed on the cabinets, but you really, really want some treats.  What would you do:
a)      Getting on the cabinets behind your humans back would be wrong, no treats for you
b)      Sucker! She left them out, you are getting on the cabinets and eating treats until you barf
c)       Talk your brofur / sisfur into getting on the cabinet, knocking the treats off, report to Mommie what your bad sibling did when she returns home
The details - Tamir says C.  If possible, blame the woofies.  If that fails blame Not Me. Not Me visits our house  a LOT!.

Situation #2
Your human comes home from work depressed.  She starts telling you all about her bad day.  What would you do:
a)      Listen and try to find a solution for her.  Her problems are your problems
b)      Paste a concerned look on your face and pretend to care while thinking how glad you are that you do not have to work
c)       After determining that this problem will not in any way affect your current napping schedule, walk away
The details:  Tamir says B on this one.  The longer Tamir pretends to care, the more pets he will probably be getting.  Mom tends to pet and give scritches while pouring our her problems.

Situation #3
Your human is having guests stay at the house for a week.  What would you do:
a)      Any friends of Mommie are friends of yours.  You welcome them
b)      They smell funny, plus they are sleeping in YOUR play room, leave them a “present” in their open suitcase
c)       Ignore them, make them beg for your attention

The details - Not a second's hesitation here for Tamir.  The ONLY answer is B!  You really don't want the details on this!!

We added one of our own:  What would you do for a special treat: For Ham I would stand on two feet like the humans do!!  Fortunately, there's lots of nommy Easter Ham left!

Visit the Tabby Cat Club to see more of our Tabby members answers!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Look at you getting that ham! Happy Birthday to Marg!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Yup, I'd make Hammy do it and reap the rewards!!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

No ham for us on Easter! Although my human did bring home some KFC for me. Oh, and those other two cats that live here. ;-)

Ellen Whyte said...

We are with Tammy on this one except for that ham part. We make de survunt do tricks when she gives us our ham. We recommend you try it, Tammy!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The ham looks yummy and I a not allowed since my ilness... Sob Happy Birthday to a special lady.. HUgs GJ xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

A very happy birthday to Marg, we've posted for her today too. And we have our own "What Would Your Cat Do?" up on the Tabby Cat Club blog. Fun!

Marg said...

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. It sure is overwhelming, all these birthday wishes.
Tamir, we really like your choices of answers. We should try to do that today.

The Island Cats said...

Open wide!! That is a cool shot of you getting ham!!

And Happy Birthday to Marg!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are wishing Marg a Happy Birthday too. Ham is worth standing on two feet for. We had lamb yesterday but we didn't want very much because mum cooked it in smelly garlic. She did cook us fish for our birthday supper though.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

HeeHee....you be just as naughty as me! :o)

Oskar said...

Our cats would eat right through the bag while it's still on the counter. We know from experience!

Nubbin wiggles,

BeadedTail said...

No need to knock anything off the counter here! We'd just get up and help ourselves! Tamir looks like he loves ham!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We think Marg is wonderful and have already sent her our birthday wishes. Our mom had the pleasure of meeting Marg in person recently.

As you could see from our post today, Truffle grabs the treats from the table and destroys the bag.

Truffle and Brulee

hawakjordan said...

Happy birthday cutty Marg. And your kittens and cats look like performs of art in that picture. We wish your day and year are loaded with plenty of snacks.

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