August 10, 2012

The Finalists!!!

The Judges have spoken.  A panel of Celebrity Judges including Katherine Burnett, Janice Nussear and Nicole Ryan (owner of Pineapple Pets

We've included their comments because we thought they were very good!!!

The Finalists by Judge - Day 1

Smack Down Katharine Burnette Judging

JB Smacking down Charli 9.8
“ JB certainly appears to have had His Wheaties this Morning. He is really using those hind legs for leverage. But I have to give Charli credit for the nice Tripoding form”.

Dante and Dylan 9.6
“I can truly appreciate the dedication of these two competitors in the face of possible distractions… Look, there’s bird…!”

Bibi-Chan Vs Gen-Chan 9.5
“Well sportsfans, there is obviously no love lost between these two Olympians.”

Zoey and “Friend” 9.25
“I am concerned about this move being within regulations. But as long as it’s legal I say, Good on Ya.”

Kjelle Bus 9.0
“Talk about hitting a man when he’s down!”

Janice Nussear judging 
Dante and Dylan 9.8
Bibi Chan and Gen chan 9.5
Zoey and Friend 9.4
JB and Charli 9.2
Jack and Bella 9.0

Nicole Ryan Judging
1. Jack/Bella: 10.0 A gentleman never hits a lady. 
2.Mohoney/Two-Two-: 9.9 "Got him "boxed in"!
3.Bibi Chan/Gen-Chan: 9.5 for messing up the bed!
4. JB/Charli: 9.3 Excellent stance
5. Dante/Dylan: 9.2 Orange you glad I am declawed?

Smack Down Day 2
Katharine Burnette Judging

Stran vs Tuomo 9.8
These competitors have no fear up there on that Middle Smack Down Platform. How do you train for that????

Pekka vs Punapippuri 9.75
That death grip and jugular chomp gets me every time! Just wish their uniforms were in contrasting colors. I am having problems distinguishing one from the other.

Domino vs Piewhackits 9.65
Domino is really working over Piewhackits in that box. That upside down, butt in the air form will not get him/her any points with this judge. But I must say I do love typing Piewhackits.

Nicki vs Derry 9.5
Nice tail and paw pointing form from both of these athletes. The stripes on their front legs almost lines up perfectly (not sure if that matters). Also love the Hosta in the background (my attention may be wandering a tad).

Nora vs Boris 9.45
Pretty sure these competitors are having fun. Mostly gave the high score due to one word in the description – Foster. Mad props to all those fabulous foster Moms and Dads out there and to all of us who have ever brought a new family member into our forever homes and hearts.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful competition.

Janice Nussear judging

Pekka vs Punapippun 9.8
Wally vs Ernie 9.5
Maxwell vs Allie 9.2
Nikki vs Denny 9.0
Diva vs Shila 8.9
Thank you for the opportunity to judge these fabulous felines and canines! Very fun!

Nicole Ryan - Day 2 :

Pungy and Shoe: 9.8 
2. Jasper/Sandi: 9.7
3. Nikki/Derry: 9.6
4. Wallie/Ernie: 9.3
5. Pelka/Punapippuri: 9.0

These are too funny! Thanks for asking me to join in the fun!

So.....the Moment is here.......the FIVE FINALISTS ARE (we've included their entries to make voting easier for you.................(insert drumroll sound)

Dante and Dylan
Dante and Dylan

Pekka and Punapippuri
Pekka vs Punapippuri

Bibi-Chan and Gen-Chan
BIBI-CHAN (the orange brown guy) and GEN-CHAN (the blue/silver guy).


JB and Charli
JB (Jelly Bean) smacking down Charli.


Nicki and Derry
Nicki and Derry

Thanks to effurycat and woofie who entered!  We though you all deserved the GOLD!!  We had lots of fun hosting this event!!!  Please make sure you vote in the poll!!

Todays events

Snoopendous Sniff-A-Thon 


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are waiting with baited breaths! MOL! ~ Marley and Ayla

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I´m SOO curious !!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OMC! This is SO hard! They are all great!

The Island Cats said...

We can't decide, they are all great smackers!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

So hard to choose as they are all AWESOME ~ but we did our best! xx

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

The competition is fierce!!
JB and Charli

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

They are all wonderful competitors!


Fuzzy Tales said...

We thought all the competitors were fantastic! Good luck to all, we're just happy to have participated. :-)

Marg said...

Wow, those are some mighty fine competitors. We sure can't pick just one. Those were some good judges. Take care.

Angel Simba said...

Oh, my, they are all 5 just amazing entries. No way we can pick one!

Quill and Greyson said...

What excellent entries!!! Hard to decide!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The finalists are all very good. It was hard to choose, but we have now voted.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Scary! When June Buggie starts that stuff, I know to get out of the way!!!!

The Island Cats said...

Okay, this is really strange. We know we left a comment earlier today. But we don't see it. We have noticed lately that our comments are disappearing from blogs. We wonder why.

Anyway...we think the competition is fierce...we can't decide who to vote for! And we're gonna start training now so we can make it to the finals next Olympics!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Theay are all seriously golden!

The Island Cats said...

We are trying for the third time to leave a comment. We want to see if this one shows up. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

We are trying again to leave a comment. We'll try doing it another way.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

It sure will be har to choice whom to vote for !

The Island Cats said...

Testing to see if we can leave a comment.

Cory said...

Concats to the finalists! We have voted!

The Island Cats said...

We're trying another test comment...from a different computer.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

What super smackdown finalists you have here! Stiff competition for sure.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Such awesome entries...took us a while, but we've voted!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

OMC, they are all just pawsome so hard to pick one, but we finally did.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We had smacky paws while we were deciding who was getting our vote!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Concats to all the finalists...excellent contestants!