September 21, 2013

Angel Sniffie - 3 years at the Bridge

This is such a hard time of the year for us.  We miss our Angels so much.  It's so hard to believe that Angel Sniffie left us 3 years ago today.

Mom made this slideshow for Sniffie's one year memorial.  We enjoy seeing her sweet face and hope you do too.  It's pretty long (almost 11 minutes) but there were so many special pictures that Mom couldn't leave out.


We miss you Sniffie, we know you  are at the Bridge with Tamir and Clifford and, of course, Nimbus but we sure wish you were still here with us.

Mom and Dad


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh my goodness! One day after Tamir. Our purrs to you.

Michelle said...

I'm sorry. I can sympathize and empathize with how you feel, but after 3 and a half years the pain of losing Coco is still so raw. I guess we just learn to live with it. The only thing worse would be if we never had them.

Clooney said...

What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful girl Sniffie. Purrs and love to you today as you remember her.

Summer at said...

This really is a tough time - losing Sniffie, and then Tamir so close to her anniversary. I am sending lots of industrial strength purrs to you.

Gigi said...

We are sending you lots of purrs today and we hope that as time goes on the memories are all sweet instead of sorrowful. XOXOXOX

Mr Puddy said...

Many Hugs and Purrs from me too
Beautiful memory will be with you and all of us here forever and ever.

PS : Thanks for sharing the video , " I like that face " too

Fuzzy Tales said...

Sending lots of hugs and Light and purrs. It's been a very difficult week of anniversaries for you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are sending extra purrs to you on this sad day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Sweet Purrfections said...

Such a beautiful collection of memories of Angel Sniffie. We're putting for you this week as ou remember your angel kitties.

Cats Herd You said...

What a difficult week of anniversaries for you. We're purring extra-loud for you today.

Marg said...

Sending big hugs to you Sharon and family. That was such a good slide show. I cannot believe it has been three years. Good to see you again Angel Sniffie. Take care.

Life with Ragdolls said...

Oh I am so sorry:-( my Ragdoll (Tadpole) has been at the bridge since 9 years!!!:-(

I'm sorry:-(


Mom Sharon
I cannot fathom how deeply these two days back to back must bring two big aches to your heart, Tamir and Sniffie. At the beginning of our grief journey, we only think of getting through it, surviving the loss and coming out of the experience in one piece without giving up or going crazy. We dont realize that out of such losses comes much we learn about ourselves and the depth of the love we shared. To me the ultimate lesson is finding that the love shared grows and that the experience of loss breaks open a heart to a rebirth. I hope you have reached that plateau where the love warms your heart and that the loss is not as great. The gifts of having Tamir, Clifford and Sniffie in your life was far more than their loss could ever be. Thinking of you today and wishing for your complete healing from these losses.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs from all of us. We sure miss that beautiful gal too.

Hilary said...

sending love - I know how hard it is...

Kitties Blue said...

We are sorry we didn't know Sniffie but glad to learn about her through your lowly memorial tribute. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Katnip Lounge said...

We have our purrers on the high setting for you all...we miss Sniffie too.

Katnip Lounge said...

We have our purrers on the high setting for you all...we miss Sniffie too.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

We send purrrrrrs at this time of remembrance for both Sniffie and Tamir.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

What a love! Sniffie is such a snuggle bug and know you all miss her. I cannot believe it has been three years. Loved the first song. Made me smile while seeing her photos. My heart is heavy with all of our many dears running off to the bridge. Love to all at your house.
Until we meet again Sniffie run free with Tamir, Clifford, Opus, Roscoe, Olive and our other dear ones that are running free waiting to see us again.

Cory said...

We can't believe it's been 3 years since our furriend Sniffe ran off to The Bridge. Such a beautiful girl.

Cory said...

We can't believe it's been 3 years since our furriend Sniffe ran off to The Bridge. Such a beautiful girl.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

It is nice to be able to see the memories but we know it is also difficult sometimes. We send lots of purrs and hugs for this difficult time of the year.

CATachresis said...

Sweet and poignant memories!! The song is purrfect!!! xx

BeadedTail said...

We miss Sniffie too. We're sending lots of hugs and purrs your way.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our best Purrs Of Comfort to you for both the sweet ones...

Quill and Greyson said...

It is a hard time of year! Purrs and hugs to you.

The Island Cats said...

Once again...Sniffie may be gone but she will never be forgotten...and she will always be loved. Purrs to all of you....

Cathy Keisha said...

What a loving tribute. One day, though not soon, you'll all be united and what a lovefest that'll be.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It doesn't seem possible that it can be three years already. Sending hugs and purrs to you.

Timmy Tomcat said...

That is from before we had met. That you have such good memories and have shared them makes us so glad to be friends!
Love from all of us
Timmy Dad and family

Jans Funny Farm said...

It doesn't seem like 3 years ago. But it will be 3 years in January for Crystal, so ... where has the time gone?

Pattyskypants said...

It is so sad when they leave us!

Unknown said...

Your tribute is very beautiful. It is so hard to do sometimes, but it will helpp you heal. You did a wonderful job on it. Love and purrs, Jobi and Fisher

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful girl Sniffie <3
Send lot o (((purrs))) and huggies

meowmeowmans said...

Such a lovely tribute to sweet Angel Sniffie. It's hard to believe it has been three whole years since she flew off to the Bridge. Hugs, purrs and prayers to you all.

A Tonk's Tail said...

Mowzers, three years? We know how much you miss Sniffie - it's hard to believe it'll be 3 years on 11/14 for Ryker.... *sniffle* (and Hugs!)