April 22, 2014

Earth Day 2014!

Today is EARTH DAY!   In the spirit of Earth Day we're recycling this post from 2009!  Since that date, Mom has gotten really good about using her reusable bags every time she goes to the store.  She's even gotten more bags than these pink ones!  We have single stream recycling and we recycle a LOT more now that it can all go into one can.

Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for this pawsome graphic.

Allie says that reusable shopping bags help keep the Earth clean!

And they make a good place to take a nap!!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We just love things that have dual purposes! MOL!

Happy Earthy Day!

Terri said...

Love those hot pink bags!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Reusable bags are the law here where we live - they charge for paper bags now! So my human is pretty good at remembering to bring totes - she was lazy about it before they started charging!

Lone Star Cats said...

Happy Earth Day!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Today is recycling day here too. Cuz they dint pick up yesserday like they should have!

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Earth Day : love it and protect it ! Purrs

ZOOLATRY said...

Just like where Sparkle lives, we have to "pay" for bags, so we brings our own (if'n we remembers!) ... but they aren't purrty-pink ones!
Recyle, reuse, refurbish, renew!

Cats Herd You said...

The head peep pays extra at certain stores for us to get paper bags to play in, but recyclable bags are pawesome for the environment. Happy Earth Day!

Marg said...

Those are mighty pretty pink bags. Good for you Mom to use them. We need to get our Person to do that too. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I agree, that's really agood idea. We only use reusable bags, but they are not as comfy as yours. Happy Earth Day!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw Allie looks so sweet. Happy Earth day tu ya'll, hav a Pawsum day!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :)


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

absolutely LOVE "this is not a litterbox" Happy Earth Day!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I love the pink bags and how sweet you look. We must all do our bit to save the earth as it has been so ill treated.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We love, love, love our planet! Happy Earth Day!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh nice! What's a nicer reminder of Earth day than a beautiful girl kitty on top of PINK reuseable bags? Nothing. Happy Earth day to all of you - snooze on!

Hugs, Sammy


Protect our World
Happy Earth Day!!
Angels Abby&Grace

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those pink bags are pretty.
Happy Earth Day!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Reusable grocery bags are a great idea. Mommy has some of those, but she is really bad about remembering to bring them with her… we will have to remind her from now on! Thanks for these wonderful reminder to take care of our beautiful Earth. Happy Earth Day, furiends!

The Island Cats said...

We like all the ways you recycle. Happy Earth Day!

Kitties Blue said...

My dearest Allie, you are the most beautiful cat on the entire planet, even when you yawn. I won't say the "L" word even though you know that is what I feel. With my deepest affection and oodles of nose-kisses, Mau

Anonymous said...

Those pink bags look great!