April 27, 2014

Easy Like Sunday with Allie and a Flashback.

Mom was really surprised when she saw Allie getting her EASY on in the little cat condo/scratcher....

Sheesh.....I need to put on my lasers to shoo that flashy box away......

Why was Mom surprised?  This little condo/scratcher was a favorite of Angel Sniffie's.  Nobuddy has EVER
gone in it since Angel Sniffie went to the Bridge....

We  miss Angel Sniffie

We hope you have an EASY Sunday.  What are your plans?


Lone Star Cats said...

I'm hopin for some bacon, but ya never know round here.

ZOOLATRY said...

That is such an aaawwww photo ...
happy-sweet Sunday.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

"There comes a time when
Things change and we cats know when
Sometimes now is when."

So we guess that Allie knew this time was right when things should change some...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Allie would spend her sunday on a place where she is nearby Angel Sniffie? Have a super sunday, think I will do the same like Allie: a nap.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are sure Angel Sniffie said it was okay now.

The Island Cats said...

I have one of those condos and it's my favorite place to nap. ~Zoey

Kitties Blue said...

That looks like such a cozy little nook, my beautiful girlfuriend. Wish it was large enough for me to join you, but I don't think I could fit in there all by myself. Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo are the ones who like to hang out in our various condos. We are all chilling on the catio, but now some neighbor has started making lots and lots of noise so it may be time to move inside. Smooches and snuggles, Mau

Marty the Manx said...

Maybe Angle Sniffie told her it was OK. Those are some wicked red laser eyes Allie!

Anonymous said...

I know you miss Angel Sniffie....it is nice to use the cat condo though and I bet you even DREAM about Angel Sniffie while you're in there getting your EASY on!

Hugs, Sammy

My Mind's Eye said...

Allie you have the finest fluffiest most fabulous tail I've ever seen.

Angel Sniffie your condo is purrfect
Hugs madi Raz Gal
Razzie my sweetie I missed you a ton
Madi your gal

PS mom just sent your mom a ton of photos for our Date

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

How nice that Allie has decided to use the condo - she looks very cozy in there!

Anonymous said...

Sosowwy fuw yous loss. Allie is lookin' gawjus. Meez has a little condo like dat tu. It wus purrlenty big nuff when meeez wus a baby, but nowadays, meez kinda spills out and mommy wunnews why me still gets in der. mol Hav a Pawsum Sunday!! ☺

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


Mariodacat said...

I think Angel Sniffie would be honored to have you take it over now. It's a purfect spot for you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet that made Angel Sniffie very happy. We kept wondering if that beautiful tail was going to make its way inside, and yep, it sure did:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sure Angel Sniffie has let Allie know that she can nap in the condo.

meowmeowmans said...

Maybe Angel Sniffie let Allie know it was a good place for an easy. And we bet she was purring when Allie went in there. :)

Fozziemum said...

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday and I am sure mum was very happy to see you in the hidey hole :) hugs Fozziemum x