September 11, 2014

9-11 - we will never forget

We will never forget...

By FAR the day that stands out to most of us in history is 9/11/01. Today, 13 years later, we will never forget... where we were that day... what we were doing when we heard... 
Mom and Dad had just returned from a cruise to Alaska.  Dad's brother and a friend were here because they took care of us while Mom and Dad were away.  The TV was on and someone said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center.  Mom immediately called Auntie El who still lived in New Jersey to tell her. Together they all watched the second plane crash into the second tower.  For days after that, Mom says she just remembers silence and numbness. Everyone seemed to whisper, everyone was polite... it was strange. No airplanes in the sky. Constant reminders that life would never be the same again... Even though life eventually got back to normal, even though it was a new normal, America had been changed. We will never forget. 

Where were you when you heard?

Our prayers are with the families who lost loved ones in the Towers, at the Pentagon and in the field in Pennsylvania.


Fozziemum said...

A more distressing day I cannot was late night sister and hubby had visited and rang when they got home..we stood in the loungeroom watching what appeared to be a horror movie..then the second plane hit..we just sobbed...disbelief and fear at what the world had become..even as far away as we are..we felt like we were long as I live I hope and pray I never feel this way again over an act of sheer evil..much love Bev xxx

Lone Star Cats said...

My momma was at swim practice when her mom picked her up and told her. She went back in to tell everyone else.

Summer at said...

I'm not even 6 months old yet and it stuns me that such a thing could happen.

Cats Herd You said...

The head peep had just started a new job when this happened. She was worried about her former coworkers a few blocks from WTC, and was grateful when they were all accounted for. What a sad and frightening day.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone on the planet remembers where they were when they heard or saw what was happening.....those moments you just can NEVER forget.

Hugs, Sammy and his Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Our mom was at School... waiting for her First class of the day to arrive in the Library... One of the other teachers ran in and said TURN ON THE TV. Something is happening in New York City..
THAT is a day that she will NEVER FORGET.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mum's boss had gone home for lunch and she rang her and told her to put on the TV. She couldn't take it all in for a moment and her boss was frantic trying to get her son who lived close to New York but they were fortunate not to be in an area that was hit. It is something that will never be forgotten.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

My dad was working in the garage and shouted in to mum that he heard on the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. Mum put the TV on and saw the second plane crash into the second tower. She said she was unable to believe what she was seeing.
We will never forget.

Mariodacat said...

We will never forget that day either. It was horrible and will be permanently etched in our memory bank.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Only Phantom was here on that terrible day. Dad was actually right there in NYC just a very short distance from the towers. A day he and Mom will never forget. We too salute those who lost their lives because of the evil in some humans' hearts.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

my pawrets saw it in tv and my mom screamed like crazy as she saw the second plane... she still can't believe what she saw and we will never forget the people who lost their life..

Terri said...

I was at work and walked by the health and safety office. I noticed several people in there were looking at the news on TV.

Anonymous said...

Pawsum Posty. Me wusn't born and sis Lexi and mommy and Lucky still lived in Tulsa. They wuz twyin' to find a new place to liv cuz where they were wuz in a weally bad place. Da town mommy wanted to move to wuz shut down cuz it wuz a military town and they wuz on high alert. Fur days dat's all dat wuz on da T.V., on evewy channel. Nopawdy had evew bwought da war to ow countwy since it wuz founded. and yes we survived, dat's what Amewicans awe, Survivows. But weez wuz changed. It's like da last bit of innocence we had left wuz lost dat day wiff those events. Weez rallied and stuck tugedder to come out on da udder side. To only find owselves bein' destwoyed fwum wiff in now. Weez purray fur ow countwy evewy day and hope we will bounce back and wake up afur it's too late and da terrorists bweak us apawt fwum wiff in now.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I was at work, on the phone talking to a dear friend from Cleveland. She had yelled "OMG a plane hit a tower in NYC" the time we didn't know what it was.
I got off the phone, and noticed people going into the HR woman's office. I went in and she had The Today Show on, we all witnessed the second plane hit. It was crazy.
They evacuated us and sent us home at around 11 am because we were on the 27th floor of a office bldg here in Michigan. No one knew if they were going to strike tall buildings everywhere. So tragic.

Kitties Blue said...

This is a lovely remembrance post. Mom and Dad were watching the Today show when the first plane hit and watched the entire thing play out on TV. Even though they watched all that over and over again, Mom says that it seems surreal. Every year on 9/11 she holds her breath that there will not be another terrorist attack that day. Mau sends his beautiful Allie a comforting hug and lots of kisses. Love and hugs to all. XO, Lily OLivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

CatInTheFridge said...

MomFOD says she was in the basement of the music school listening to the towers fall on the radio because there was no TV. Sigh. - Crepes.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

de food gurl wuz at werk; N az businessez started to close for de day round town; her said her could close up shop...

she told her boss ( who could bee a reel ewe noe what ) ta go home earl lee N bee with his son... who wuz onlee like 5 at de time; that she was sure he wanted ta be neer hiz daddy

de food gurl can count on one hand de number oh men her haz seen cry in ther life, & de reezon why....
N yes that wuz one of thoze times

Brian's Home Blog said...

We will always remember and we hope everyone does.

meowmeowmans said...

I had just arrived at work when I heard the news, just outside of NYC. We will never forget.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We werent actually "annywhere", but TBT was an he has explained it all to us. So we "remember" this day evry year.

Cathy Keisha said...

TW was riding the elevator up to her office when she heard. She then went with her coworkers to the window to watch it unfold and the towers collapse. She remembers everyone crying and screaming and the guy who fainted cos his BF worked in Windows of the World. She didn’t get in touch with Pop until 8 pm so she spent all day hoping he was safe.