November 3, 2014

Happy Gotcha Day Raz!

Today is a very special day at our house!  It's Raz's 2nd Gotcha Day!!! Over the last two years Raz has brought so much happiness to our family.  We love him a lot and we're really glad he became one of the Florida Furkids. Here's the first post we ever did about RAZ.

Please join our celebration....

Purrhaps you would like a Niptini or a glass of fine, nip wine?

and Non-alcoholic beverages for the kittens...

The sushi buffet is open....

We have plenty of ham sprinkled with nip...

There's a wonderful Tuna Gotcha Day cake...

Stay as long as you would like.  When you are leaving, please take one of these purrty charms...

and a Nip plant...

Thanks for coming!  We hope you enjoyed our special boy's gotcha Day!  Raz also had a great time at the Cat Scouts Birthday/Gotcha Day celebration.   Raz flies the official Birthday/Gotcha skywriting plane.  Three other Scouts had Gotcha Days in November.  Notice the cute owl on the plane?  The theme was Owls.

Happy Gotcha Day Raz!!!  We love you!

Mom, Daddy, Ellie, Allie and Cubby

One more thing...
Thanks to my pals Gracie and Sammy for these super cards...

and to Gracie and Anya for this super very own JET!

I think Madi and I need to go on a special date in my new plane....what do you think?


Sweet Purrfections said...

We're the first to wish you a Happy Gotcha Day. You got a wonderful home when you found Mom Sharon!

Summer at said...

What an awesome gotcha day you are having, Raz! Paws up!

Katnip Lounge said...

Raz, we cannot believe it's been two years already...Happy gotcha day, and "yes please" to some ham!

Mr Puddy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz !!!
Woo Hoo !!..Dancing to da Pawty !
Spoil myself rotten...tee..heh
Have a good one, Raz !

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh MY... would you look at that spread!!!
Happy, Happy Gotcha Day, Raz!!!
We hope your special day is as special as you! we just need to stop licking the computer screen!
: )

Fozziemum said...

Happy Gotcha day sweet Raz...a day that I am sure made everyone on your families life a whole lot more fun :) loves Fozziemum and the gang xx

Lone Star Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz! I'm raidin da ham!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day to my best buddy.....we had a blast at the Scouts party and here we celebrate even more at your house with all this fab food! We love your new jet - I DEFINITELY think Madi will enjoy a date in this baby - how about taking her to Paris? Oh yeah! Have a super celebration my dear friend....we love you tons!

Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!

Thanks for inviting us to your party the food is yummy to our tummies.

Wow a private jet, we hopes you will fly us somewhere exotic Raz.

Hilary said...

happy gotcha day Raz! you sure know how to throw a party!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz, you are one special dude!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...


May your day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & lots & LOTS of the nip, for sure.


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Happy Happy Gotcha Day
Happy Happy Gotcha Day
Happy Happy Gotcha Day
Haaaaaaaaaappy Gotcha Day!!!!!

I too am so glad you found your forever home and are one of my besties! We all love you so much. Each day you fill our hearts with happiness and love.

Your party food is fantastic and you must show Sammy and me how to mix these drinks.

Love to you and all at your place.
Gracie & Anya

The Island Cats said...

What a fun party! Happy Gotcha Day, Raz. We love you, too.

pilch92 said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz with lots of love from Cat Scout Sammy P and his whole family. Great party, I live the party favors.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

YES in DEED you and Madi SHOULD have a special DATE... WHEELS UP...


THAT is a super pawty you have going ... and the CAKE and the Drinks and the Foodables... WOW...

Enjoy your very VERY Special day buddy.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We didn't realise you had been in your furever home for 2 years already! We hope you have a great day Raz and lots of nip to share.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz! We remember when you joined your forever family. :-)

Have a wonderful day!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hap-Pee Gotcha Day, Raz! Now...I REALLY need some of that cake!


Cats Herd You said...

Very happy gotcha day, Raz! Looks like you're going to pawty in style.

Fur Everywhere said...

You sure know how to throw a great party! We wish you a very very Happy Gotcha Day, Raz!!

Terri said...

Pawsome spread. What a gift--your very own plane to travel in style!

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz!

My Mind's Eye said...

Raz my darlin' guy happy happy Got'cha day. What a fun party I especially loved the was stirred not shaken!
Hugs your gal Madi
PS I have the date marked on my calendar now.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz. We remember when you arrived. Such a cutie.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Raz! Wow, we cant wait ta try some of that sushi...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha day, Raz!!! Andmany more to come. We just know that Madi will be thrilled to ride in your new plane.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Mariodacat said...

Happy Gotcha day Raz. Wow, your family really put on a nice spread of food. Everything tastes so good too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha day Raz. Da scout pawty wuz so much fun wusn't it. Fanks fur puttin' meez name in da clouds. Gweat pawty.

Luv ya'

Dezi and furmily

Carlos The Cat said...

Happy Gotcha day! Thanks for the lovely treats! Maybe a glass of wine would be in place, a glass of red never hurt anyone, even on a Monday evening! Cheers!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy gotcha day Raz! We're so glad you got gotted!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz!! A wonderful cause for celebration. Hope it was the best yet!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz! Great party!!

da tabbies o trout towne said... fishes, mice creem dishes & happee day wishes two ewe ♫♫♫♪♪....

a veree happee gotcha day N heerz two 800 mor !!! hope yur day iz rockin awesum fun, thanx for hostin thiz partee...we helped R selves ta plentee oh nip ..YAY !!!!!

heerz hopin de yeer a head bee filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you Raz!!

Furries said...

Happy Second Gotcha Day Raz. You're having an amazing party. I've never seen those cat charms before - they're very cute. I hope you have many, many more gotcha days to celebrate.

BeadedTail said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz! Today is a very special day for Gotcha's!

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Raz! I remember when you first came to live with your peeps. They were thrilled to have you.

Marty the Manx said...

Happy Gotcha Day Raz!!!! So glad you found such a great family to be part of!!! This is a great party! So glad we didn't miss it!
Marty and Ralphie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Gotcha Day Sweet Raz! Wow, I remember the day you were "gotted" as if it was yesterday! It's been TWO years already? OMG! xoxo

Clooney said...

Happy Gotcha Day Dear Raz! What a great party you threw! Hope your day was awesome!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Sorry for being a bit late to your Gotcha Day Party Raz !
*nom* *nom* *nom* the Sushi is tasting soooo good !

Happy Happy belated GOTCHA DAY !!


CATachresis said...

A belated happy gotcha day Raz!! You sure know how to throw a pawty!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Happy Gotcha day! May you have many many more