December 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday

After the big Cat Scouts Jamboree, the Denmaster sent out super nice certificates for us Scouts to present to our parents for all the time and hard work they did helping us.  Here's a collage of Scout Sammy and his Mom, Scout Gracie and her Mom and Scouts Allie and Raz with our Mom and their certificates.  We really appreciate our Moms AND the Denmaster for helping us give them special recognition.  Click HERE for Sammy's blog One Spoiled Cat and HERE for Gracie's blog Gabby Gracie.

Collage by Sammy
Are you at Cat Scout?  If not, you should click HERE to find out more about it and to see all of the fun activities we pawticipate in.   You can be as involved as you want....there are a ton of Merit Badges that you can work towards and we have lots of great events.  There is always something fun happening at the Campfire (lots of tasty s'mores there too).


Summer at said...

Cat Scouts sounds like fun! I wish I wasn't so busy...

The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like a lot of fun ! Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Well done to you all for getting your certificates.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Great post.....yes indeed we have fun at Scouts but only because our Moms (!) help us so much so the certificates of appreciation were overdue!!

Hugs, Sammy

Cats Herd You said...

You cat scouts are always doing so many fun things!

Hilary said...

Cat scouts sound amazing!

My Mind's Eye said...


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Cat Scouts is a super place to be. You find lots of friends (old and new), merit badges to earn, parties, and as you mentioned treats around the campfire. The best part is sharing with my two besties, Sammy and Raz. The Denmaster works so hard to make scouts extra special. Of course none of this would happen if our mommies didn't work so hard for us.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaWaaaah.... Madi's comment...
You made her day, Raz.

Anonymous said...

Dat's weally pawsum. Weez fwamed mommy's fur hangin' on da wall.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Kitties Blue said...

Wow, those are the most pawsome certificates ever. Our Mom didn't get one. Guess that's 'cause she is a slacker. And your collage is so great. We love seeing all of you with your extra special moms. Allie, my sweet. You are looking as lovely as ever. Oodles of purrs and kisses from me, Mauricio and Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Carlos The Cat said...

That is so cool! My human has made me neglect the Scouts much too long now!

The Island Cats said...

I asked Denmaster to send a certificate to my mom and she did. That's a great collage of all of you.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love all those merit badges!

Marty the Manx said...

Love the card you all made :)