June 15, 2015

ManCat Monday

Today I'm sharing ManCat Monday with my sisfur Allie.   Saturday night there were Purrmotions at Cat Scouts.  It was a fantastic ceremony and Allie and I were both STUNNED to see we were purrmoted.

Allie was purrmoted to Sabertooth AND to the Order of the Arrowhead (the hightest a Scout can go) and I was also purrmoted to Order of the Arrowhead (I'm already a Sabertooth).

The Order of the Arrowhead is very special....here's some info about it.

Order of the Arrowhead. They are chosen by the Cat Scouts High Council.
Chosen scouts must undergo a grueling challenge before their induction. This includes spending 24 hours in the wild wearing only a loincloth (boycats) or a Wilma Flintstone dress (girlcats). They are sent off with only a blanket, a compass, one match, a pair of semaphore flags, and the wealth of knowledge they’ve learned about wilderness survival in Cat Scouts.

Allie and I (along with Scouts Charles, Andy, Gracie and Mau will be doing this in the near future....EEEKKKK.

Here's Allie's new profile picture as a Sabertooth...

Thanks to Gracie for Allie's new profile pic

 We also had the opportunity to earn our Flag Merit Badge.  Each Scout posted their state flag (or, if there were multiple Scouts in the family, we had to each post a different one).  We also had to tell about our flag.

I posted the Flag of the State of Florida.  Here I am with the flag....

Allie chose the flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts since she was born there....

We both decided to show the flag of New Jersey since Mom is from there.....that didn't work out as well......

Well....we tried!!!


Kwee Cats and Art said...

We understand, Raz, you were just trying to wave the New Jersey flag since that's where your Mom is from. Super big congratulations on the purmotions! Wow! We are mega proud of you guys! Hugs and love to you all.

The Swiss Cats said...

Concatulations on your promotions ! Have a great day ! Purrs

My Mind's Eye said...


Charles said...

ConcCats fellow Scouts Allie & Raz. The Order of The Arrow test sounds hard to me. I don't like being alone. Flag Day yesterday at Scouts was so informative. I feel so much more knowledgeable.
Enjoy your Monday.

Charles said...

P.S. That previous post was from Scout Charles

The Island Cats said...

Congrats on your purrmotions. And you shouldn't have eaten New Jersey. ;)

Fur Everywhere said...

Congrats on both of your promotions!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats you two!!!! Y'all are rockin' the Soucts!

The Meezers or Billy said...

how does I get mine mommy to let me get more involved in cat scouts. I love being a cat scout but I'm not very experienced! Does I have to bite her? - Nicky

BeadedTail said...

Wow! Concats on your promotions!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the flag project and CONCATS to Allie on her purrrrmotion!!!! GRRRRR.....ROARRRRRRRR....WOO HOO!

Hugs, Sammy

Anonymous said...

ConCats to yous boff. So many pawsum purrmotions. And you purrsented sum gweat info 'bout yous flags. Have a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Kitties Blue said...

Mau was so super proud of Allie being purrmoted. He loves that they are both Sabertooths. He's a little nervous about the Order of the Arrowhead thing, but will give it his best shot. He was totally blown away about being invited to complete the requirements for it. He wishes that he, Allie, Andy, Charles and Gracie could do it as a Patrol, but that would leave you as the odd-man out, Raz. And we know Denmaster would never bend the rules to let the Patrol do it as a group. Glad Day was lots of fun. Am said he really a bunch about all the state flags. He's sending special kisses and purrs to Allie. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

Congrats to you both on your promotions at Cat Scouts- those are impressive titles. Sammy said your flag report was excellent. The photo of you with the NJ flag is funny :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congrats on the promotions! Sabertooth Level and Arrowhead Order sounds PAWSOME!

Cathy Keisha said...

Good stuff, Raz. Concats to Allie.