September 11, 2015

9-11 in memory

We will never forget...

By FAR the day that stands out to most of us in history is 9/11/01. Today, many years later, we will never forget... where we were that day... what we were doing when we heard... 
Mom and Dad had just returned from a cruise to Alaska.  Dad's brother and a friend were here because they took care of us while Mom and Dad were away.  The TV was on and someone said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center.  Mom immediately called Auntie El who still lived in New Jersey to tell her. Together they all watched the second plane crash into the second tower.  For days after that, Mom says she just remembers silence and numbness. Everyone seemed to whisper, everyone was polite... it was strange. No airplanes in the sky. Constant reminders that life would never be the same again... Even though life eventually got back to normal, even though it was a new normal, America had been changed. We will never forget. 

Where were you when you heard?

Our prayers are with the families who lost loved ones in the Towers, at the Pentagon and in the field in Pennsylvania.


easyweimaraner said...

I'm with you the people who lost their lifes that day and their families are always in out thoughts.
I was in the living room and cracked walnuts for a cake and for once I had the tv on... I couldn't believe what I saw and I switched through all channels because I thought it's a mistake or a bug... but it sadly was the bitter truth...

The Island Cats said...

We will never forget either. We purr for those that lost their lives that day...and their families who were forever changed.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

No one will ever forget that tragic day in history...

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my....yes my peeps remember where they were. I, Madi, wasn't born yet.
Mom and Dad had just returned from Budapest on 9/6 where mom was working at a conference for work. Normally they took about 3 or 4 days after a conference to sightsee; however in 2001 they took the extra days before the conference 'cause they had to be home by 9/7 for a wedding. If not for the wedding they would have been in Europe and probably not have been able to get home for a week or more.
Hugs madi Raz's gal

Terri said...

I was at work...walking by the health and safety office. Several people were in there. I walked in to see what they were watching on the television.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Forgetting is not an option, ever!

Anonymous said...

The day the earth stood still......great post - for that moment in time we were all "together" and we all remember that every 9/11 and always will.

Hugs, Sammy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom and Dad will NEVER forget that day - our Dad was in NYC that day and very close to the towers.

Paws crossed and heads bowed here in silent tribute to our many heroes.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

da tabbies o trout towne said... food serviss gurl noes what yur mom meenz....everee thing waz..... veree veree quiet......peepulz were.... veree veree nice....they announced "when" planes waz purrmitted ta fly.... sew peepulz woodna bee alarmed ~~~~~


Anonymous said...

Weez send purrayers to those affected and gwatitude to those who helped. Mommy and sis Lexi was twyin' to find sum place to live as there pawrtment was pawful and they only had days left. It was fur sure a cwazy time.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I was working at my new job and was talking to a friend from Cleveland on the phone. She told me a plane crashed into a building in NY.....we both got off the phone and a few of us ran to the HR person's office (she had a TV on) and we saw the second plane hit. It was horrific as you know.

I worked on the top floor (28 floors) of an office building and they evacuated us (wouldn't let us use the elevator) and they sent us home.

Such a horrible, devastatingly heartbreaking day

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We werent around then, but TBT has esplained all about it. So we are all sitting quietly here today...

Cathy Keisha said...

Pop was transfixed in front of the window in his office 4 blocks from the WTC watching as the 2nd plane flew in front of the window. TW watched from the window in her office uptown. We will never forget that day.