March 25, 2016

Flashback Friday Easter Week

It's Flashback Friday and it's Easter so that means one thing.....we're sharing this sweet video of  Angel Sniffie and the Easter Bunny.  We hope you enjoy it.  We know we share this every year but we really love it.  it makes Mom a bit leaky eyed.  We miss sweet Sniffie.


 If you can't see the video, click HERE to watch it on YouTube.


Summer at said...

What a sweet and funny girl Sniffie was!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really is so sweet and we miss that darling girl too.

The Swiss Cats said...

Sweet memories, and cute video. Purrs

The Island Cats said...

Aw, so sweet. Sniffie sure loved her bunny.

easyweimaraner said...

it's so cute... and efurry furmily needs someone who has good connections to the easterbunny and to santa... you were a fabulous contact-cat angel sniffie :o)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Aww, what a sweet video of Angel Sniffie and the Easter bunny.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhh that is such a sweet video...of Sniffie and the bunny

Raz, Raz wake up can you hear me? Dear me I didn't meant to make you thump so loudly but you know when a gal hears a good beat she hast to twerk
Hugs your gal

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, sweet Angel Sniffie. Bet you're keeping all the bunnies at the Bridge clean too.

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad you shared it, because we LOVE this video of Angel Sniffie. :)

Happy Easter, dear pals.

Anonymous said...

What a precious video cute!

Hugs, Sammy

Kitties Blue said...

OMC...too, too cute. We know that bunny must get awfully dirty making his rounds and handing out Easter goodies. We can see why Mom Sharon gets nostalgic and leaky eyed. Mau is sending Allie a basketful of love and sweet kisses. He hopes to see her at the Fish Fry tonight. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

That was so cute, Sniffie was adorable.

Cats Herd You said...

What an adorable video! That really is a sweet memory.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That video always makes me and my mum smile when the bunny ears stick to Sniffie's tongue.

Purrseiodn said...

Awwwwww! How cute!

A Tonl said...

oooh SO sweet!!