Once again we are sharing a selfie from one of Mom's walks. When Mom is walking with her friend Donna they often walk over the causeway. Because they are OCD consistent with their walk, they pass by this monument which because Mom is a nutcase they have named Monty. One day Monty asked if Mom would let him take a selfie...so she did.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....meet Monty!
Yes....we know our Mom is nuts!
Bwa! haa!!! Haaa!!!
My Mommy LOVES the picture of Monty! But then she talks to the Crows, the Eagles and a Giant Rock she calls Mick (after the Rolling Stones) on her daily walks down the river.
MOL! At least you know you won't get an outtake!
Very nice to meet you, Monty! LOL
This makes us feel so good! We're not the only ones with a Mommy who does "interesting" things! MOL Happy Sunday, Monty!
hehehe to funny,xx Speedy
Oh no not Nuts not your mom....just a very friendly lady giving respect to something she sees every day
Hugs Madi, Raz's gal
Hehe! We think all humans are a little crazy. We hope you are having a nice weekend!
Nice selfie, Monty! Is that a front, or a profile view? ;)
MOL MOL...Is that a kind of Monty Everest I see in the Selfie. Well, at least you made us laughing our tails..my tail off :D Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3
Monty looks a little stoned to me!
And I thought I was nuts :) Just kidding.
MOL Hello Monty!
Happy #sundayselfie.
Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx
Haha!! I'm glad to see that being nuts isn't just confined to my human!!!! Great selfie, Monty!!!
MOL! That is certainly a different selfie.
BOL - nice to meet you, Monty - you look very big and strong and sturdy:)
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
MOL ! Purrs
Hey - if I can do a foot selfie, you can do a Monty selfie!
Hugs, Sammy
Monty does a very nice selfie :)
Er... a most unusual monumint e think. But every 'dog' must havehis dy and this is Monty's!!
The monument has a name? Interesting... Very interesting, for sure.
Well now dat's very innerestin' dat your mommy has named a pile of bricks. MOL
PeeEss: No me doesn't have a new sisfur yet, but me knows she'll be from round here somewhere. Least me guesses she will.
Luv ya'
Monty sure is interesting!
WE are a bit confoosed, but TBT is guessing "Monty" is short fer "Mount" or somethin like that. But we do think that Monty needs an outdoor cat statue on his top!
Hmmm...we were expecting to see a kitty behind that pillar. Mom Sharon is a bit strange. We are pretty sure that's the only pillar we have had as a selfie hop participant. Thanks for hopping. Mau is sending his most gorgeous girlfriend, Allie, all his love and a bazillion smooches. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
That is hilarious! And now I think I might be falling down on the job of a neighborhood walker. I don't name any landmarks!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
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