The park that Mom walks in has recently been invaded by two coyotes. There is a lot of concern because of the feral cats and the small dogs and children who are in the park. Some of the feral cats have been trapped but, sadly, others have disappeared.
The other day one of the coyotes was out on the path and very boldly took a selfie. We're sharing it today. He's a beautiful creature but very dangerous in this situation.
Later on there were reports that both coyotes were out on the path. We purr and pray that the feral kitties stay safe.
That's a very healthy looking coyote! The ones around here look sick and mangy.
Wile E. Coyote looks cute somehow... but I rather want to see them with a distance... paws crossed for all dogs&cats....
Those critters are pretty scary and have eaten more than one of our pals.
Ohhhhhhhh that would be a frightening critter to encounter.
I hope and purr the feral kitties climb very very high when they see him.
WE didn't realize there were coyotes in Florida. They are fearless of humans, which is even more scary, if found their way to a public park and don't run when they see humans
Hugs madi your Raz's gal
Those coyotes are beautiful creatures, but how scary that they are in the park there.
That coyote is beautiful, but we hope he or she stays far away from all the ferals and that everyone stays safe.
We had trouble a few years ago with coyotes grabbing small dogs along the walking trails. The dogs were in yards with invisible fence. It became so bad that they finally tracked the coyotes and found a male and female with a litter. They trapped them and relocated them to a more rural area. Hope the ferals will all be safe.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
That is scary. I feel bad for the feral kitties.
OMC.... be CAREFUL around those Coyote Guys... they are DANGEROUS...
I hope the ferals stay safe, but if it is a mating pair they will be hunting for food.
Uh-oh - that ky-oat iz a handsum dude BUTT that iz not so good that it iz so brave tue come out in public an'close tue u. Thank-u fer stoppin'by our blog
Lady Shasta'n Angel Lord Shiloh of Beaglebratz Manor
Beautiful ! As coyotes don't live in Europe, we never saw one. Purrs
that's so sad. We have them here in Michigan. I read they are afraid of people. It's a shame someone can't get the ferals out of there. My friend's cat was killed by a coyote. catchatwithcarenandcody
He's very handsome but tell him to leave the kitties alone!!!
We have coyotes here on the island. Unfortunately, they have killed a couple of small dogs. They're handsome animals, but so dangerous to small animals.
Wow, that is scary. Coyotes are so dangerous, especially to kitties. Mom has known kitties who have disappeared in areas where coyotes live. Tell Mom Sharon to be extra careful on her walks. Mau sends Allie a bajillion smooches and his forever love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We all have a right to live but we hope some hoomins relocate these guys to a less populated area for everyone's sake.
How exciting for you ,Stay safe,xx Speedy
We had many, many coyotes in my old neighborhood in Portland. One colony was so bold and brassy that its members spend the day sunbathing--in the middle of the street! Thankfully, they seemed to subsist on squirrels, rats and mice. Cats were pretty safe. But I'm with you! I worry about them.
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
We find the idea of coyotes very frighteninhg for cats. I hope they go away :-(
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