Today is also
Friendly Fill-Ins with 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!
Allie is going to answer for us today.
1. My feelings get hurt when __Mom goes in the bathroom and closes the door_______.
2. I am excited about _My upcoming Wedding to Mauricio_____________________.
3. Jump into the box_ first, then see if you fit__.
4. One time, I caught my leg in a bag and ran all over the house scared_; that's why Mom makes sure there are no bags around.
We hope you enjoyed Allie's answers!
Looks delicious and obviously Clifford is enjoying every bite! Sweet photo...........
Love, Sammy
Great phot...Angel Clifford certainly looks as though he's enjoying that cgew bone!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
That chew bone sure look delicious! Purrs from all of us!
Looks like Angel Clifford was really enjoying his chew.
Good answers (particularly the bag one). Have a fun weekend!
Funny answers! *wink*
Hugs! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for doing the Fill-Ins with us!
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~
Clifford lots of doors are closed here right now and I don't like it either.
You were a beautiful puppy
Hugs madi your bfff and Raz's gal
Allie, I love your answers! Too funny! I like the way you roll on #3.
Clifford clearly loved his bone!
Superb and creative answers, Allie. And we always love seeing Angel Clifford.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
Regarding #3, yeah, because you aren't going to know if you fit or not until you try it. :)
Bags, especially plastic ones, can make a person/kitty hurt themselves, especially when they make sounds like snakes make!
Have a blessed day.
Cats should stay out of the bag. Suzanne's response comes from when I once caught a plastic bag on my shoe and the sound of it moving sounded just like a snake hissing. I jumped sideways over a rid9ing lawn mower. Did I mention we live in Texas where we have had more snakes in the house than we ever saw in South Carolina?
Angel Clifford was adorable, it is nice to see a photo of him. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I love your answers. I wonder why your Mom locks you out of the bathroom? I am never in the bathroom alone. Congratulations on your wedding.
It's so nice to see sweet Angel Clifford. We bet he has all the chew bones his heart desires at the Bridge. :)
Allie, we love your answers -- especially number one!
Allie, my love, I too am so excited about our upcoming wedding. I am a little jealous that Astrid and Sampson beat us to it. Once Mom has a chance to get caught up over the next day or two, we will starts planning our special day. Sending 234567890987654345678908765456787654323456789 kisses and all my love, Mau
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