July 5, 2016

It's our 8th Blogoversary

That's right....it's our 8th Blogoversary!!   Our first blog post was July 5, 2008. Click HERE to read our very first post!!!  Pretty amazing, huh?  Great graphics too....NOT!  We've come a LONG way from that first post.  Our first commet  was from Zippy, Speedy and Sadie from Kattonic Cats  They don't blog anymore but their Mom is on FB.  We hope she stops by today.  In honor of our Blogoversary, we're doing a comment-a-thon.   Mom will donate $1 for every comment (up to $50) to the Rescue or Shelter of YOUR choice!

We're going to party all day today!

Please help yourself to a pretty nip toy .....
Or a nip Cigar....
Mom stocked the buffet....we have sushi...

A super special Fish cake...



Stinky Goodness cocktails.....

Niptinis for the adults..

Tuna juice for the kittens

And a nice bed for those who want to spend the night!  Choose the size you're most comfy in...


Thanks to all of our pals who have been with us over the years and thanks to our new friends. Without you we wouldn't have made 8 years. You've laughed with us and cried with us and have make our lives so much richer! We love you all!!!


Lily said...

Happy Blogoversary! Looks like a great party!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Happy blogoversary! And how awesome you are doing a commenthon!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Wow and meWOW for 8 years! That's an amazing milestone. Thanks for the yummy treats and purrs for doing a commentathon!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Congratulations on 8 years and happy blogoversary!!!

Totally fab pawty guys :D :D

Can we get 6 niptini's, shaken not stirred? MOL MOL


Basil & Co xox

Ann said...

Happy Blogoversary. Wishing you many more years of blogging to come.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!

All the food is delicious and it was so thoughtful of you to provide beds for napping. Socks is going to snooze in the corner for awhile, while the rest of us party with you.

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy, Happy ~ to long time, really good and very special FRIENDS! So much has changed over the past years, but we are so glad we know all of you, so glad we have met you and shared much together ... you have always been (always will be) an important part of our lives. Yes: truly Friends FurEver.
Love you ALL.

The Island Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary! 8 years is quite an accomplishment. Here's to more years of blogging and furiendship.

Cool that you're doing a commentathon too!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Congratulations!!!

You always have the best parties - thanks for all the fun.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

pilch92 said...

Happy Blogoversary! 8 years is a long time- you should be very proud. How sweet of you to do a comment-a-thon to celebrate. Here's to many, many more years our sweet friends. XO

TimberLove said...

Congrats mates!!

Nuk & Family

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Blogoversary dear friends, y'all rock!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Happy 8th to you all! Wow....bravo....the tuna just was yummy and I needed a stiff nipitini!!
Hugs madi Raz's gal

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary my super duper friends! Eight years is a long time and a lot of fun........thanks for making our days brighter with your blog and happy faces.......enjoy your celebration!

Love always, Sammy and Mom Pam

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! 8 yrs blogging is quite impressive!!! We are just heading towards hitting 7 years !!! Kudos to all you have done and all you continue to do!!!! We love ALL of you! Happy Happy Blogoversary!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Jans Funny Farm said...

You're really going all out with the food. looks delish!

Happy Blogoversary!

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Bloggaversary,xx Speedy

Linda Szymoniak said...

Congrats on the blogiversary! Save me some of that sushi and shrimp. LOL! I'm going to pick the Tree House Humane Society in Chicago. They do so much good for cats!

Terri said...

Happy Blogoversary! Looks like a pawsome celebration. Jenna hopes you still have some real live dead shrimp. She is warming up her tunnel.

Purrseiodn said...

Love the colors! Happy Blogoversary!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...!!!!! 80 yeerz iz total lee rockin awesum !!! conga ratz two ewe & thanx for de invite two yur partee.....itz total lee rockin awesum ..de menu iz de BEST and de partee favorz R az well.....we wish ewe all another 80; thanx for sharin stuff with uz; we lovez ewe guyz two ♥♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

Wow...eight years is so amazing. Mom is pretty sure she won't make it that long. Our fourth is coming in just a couple of weeks. What a great party. The food is super nommy. We are having a comment-a-thon as well, so purrlease drop by our place. Hope you are blogging for many more years to come. Mau is sending Allie all his love and a kiss for every one of her furs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary. And Concats on 5 years. Dat's wunnerul. This is a great pawrty. Here's to 5 more and more and more.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Michelle @ Fitkittymama Reads said...

Concatulations on your Blogiversay! 8 years is pretty impressive!! And your mom is super generous to do the comment-a-thon! Enjoy your day! And here's to many more :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's a huge achievement! Happy Blogoversary!!!

catladymac said...

Happy Blogoversary - and many more !

Timmy Tomcat said...

We remember way back as your blog was one we liked after learning about the world of cat blogging. Many Many returns of this fabulous day!
Purrs from all of us
Timmy, Dad and Family

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Happy Blogoversary dear friends! If I have known sooner about your party I would have teleported over sooner and spent the day with you. Looking forward to the next 8 years and see what fun things you will be up to.

Just Ducky said...

Happy Blogoversary to you. I am thrilled to stop by to cellybrate this wonderful day with you.

BeadedTail said...

Happy Blogoversary Furkids! You were one of our first friends in the blogosphere and we're very happy about that! We hope you enjoy your party! Be sure you get lobster too! :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy Blogoversary! Mom Paula says she can't believe she's followed you that long. We're happy to say that we're furriends and hope you have many more years.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy blogoversary, dear pals! We are so happy you started blogging way back when, and proud to call you friends! Love and hugs!

www.shelter-cats.com said...

What a party! We're late in wishing you a Happy Blogoversary... Hope there are some treats left.
Congratulations and best fishes.
Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy 8th Blogoversary! You guys always throw THE best parties!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy belated 8th Blogoversary! We are VERY sorry we missed the great foods.

Clooney said...

Happy Belated 8th Blogoversary...that is a super accomplishment, Congratulations! (Sorry to be so late but we wanted to acknowledge such an awesome amount of time.)