Mom FINALLY took a bunch of photos off her phone and realized we had a selfie that we never shared with you. This is a selfie taken by our pal Lizzie (yes...we have LOTS of pals named Lizzie but this one is outside) It's really a DOUBLE selfie because our pal Lizzie got Mom in it too. Notice how dirty our window is? It's not because Mom is a she IS a slacker but that's not why it's dirty. Lizzie took her selfie right after Hurricane Matthew and the debris on the window is from the house fire that burned down our neighbor's house.
What a cool photo!
You kittehz are so well behaved - we would have been tearing to get at Lizzy. (We've heard they taste like chick-hen!)
We sometimes have frogs on our deck door, but never a lizzie! We would love to meet one.
Wow, that's a cool photo! My human and I still feel bad for your neighbors. photo. So glad your house escaped that after-storm fire.............I know you've been known to capture a lizzie inside the house a time or two is it true what they say about their taste? Chick-hen???
Love, Angel Sammy
That really is a cool selfie!
Great selfie. Not only did you get a selfie of Lizzie (is she still on this earth) but you got your mom too. Well done.
Ohhh I love that selfie first ever of a Lizard!
Hugs madi Raz's gal
Very cool double photo! We have friends called Lizzie, too! They hand out on the back window and Kirby visits them. He paws on the window tiring to invite them in, but they decline!
Wow, that makes a lovely and startling silhouette, I'd definitely be out there trying to coax the little chap down. Purrs, Erin
Nice double selfie. I am sorry about your neighbor's house.
I love the Lizzie! Do you cats like to watch them?
Now that's a cool selfie! We don't have any lizzies around here.
What a cool d-double selfie! Wes thinks thats cool. And wes so glad your Mommt took it!
What a fun selfie! Lizzie is a cutie :)
This is absolutely the coolest photo. It would be a good one to play with for Caturday Art as well. How come the lizard looks white? You know we love having all different kinds of critters on the hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy with love and smoochies for Allie from Mau
What an awesome double selfie! Mom AND Lizzie in one shot!
that is a great photo,xx Speedy
We love the picture! It doesn't matter about the window - maybe that even helps!!
Happy Sunday Selfie.
The Dash Kitten Crew
A double Selfie deserves a double Pawkiss☺😻
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