April 4, 2017

Toon Tuesday

Mom says this is SOOOOO true (especially for Ellie)

Mom says we're cleaning it off before we bite when we do this!!!

PS - don't forget our pals Angel Sammy and Teddy's Tuesday Teaser over at TWO Spoiled Cats.  Last week was the 200th Teaser post....we got this cool badge to add to our Greenie collection!


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Binga says it is "doing prep."

My Mind's Eye said...

Someone who claims to be the gal of your brudder has been known to do this very same thing...of course...ummmmm cleaning it before you eat it is kinds racoonish is what the gal's mom tells her

Hugs Raz's Gal

Terri said...

Yep...I have a biter in the house.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Yep. Bear Cat does that too. He'll be purring and seemingly content and then out of the blue, you got your arm in a vise grip of his jaw. And if you don't yelp, he'll re-position his head and bite again.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...that looks familiar!

pilch92 said...

That is funny :) None of mine do that, some bite though, but they don't take the time to clean my hand.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA.....this is ever so familiar and of course before we actually take a bite we want the biting area clean as can be!!!!

Hugs, Angel Teddy and Sammy too (chomp)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, we don't want to bite a dirty hand!

Cathy Keisha said...

That's my MO as well only I usually don't sample with licks. I go right into tenderizing. HAH!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

gram paw dude used ta due thiz !! ☺☺♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

Mau will lick and lick Mom's hand, but he's nice and never bites it. Cooper does have a tendency to bite Mom's hand, but no lickies before. If she puts lotion on her hands, everyone of us wants to lick it off. How is Allie doing with her obsessive licking? Mau sure hopes she's getting better using her Rescue Remedy. He's sending a bazillion smooches, all his love, warm hugs and prayers. We all send purrs and POTP to Dad Bill, while Mom sends prayers. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

The Island Cats said...

That's a classic Zoey move.