September 12, 2017

Toes Tuesday with Allie

Please keep the purrs and prayers coming for our Daddy.


easyweimaraner said...

your daddy is in our thoughts and in our prayers... and we hope so much that the darned storm made it not difficult for your mama to see your dad and to be on his side to help him to recover...

Summer at said...

Aw, what sweet toes! I hope your male human is doing okay - I'm sending more purrs his way!

Anonymous said...

Allie are you celebrating being back home with a little toe-nap? You look very comfy.....we continue with the positive thoughts, prayers and purrs for your Daddy AND are so happy you're all OK from the storm. Power will be back eventually but you have your HOUSE which is wonderful!!

Love, Teddy and Mom too

Julie said...

Adorable, you are a cutie pie Allie
Sending positive thoughts fur Daddy
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

The Swiss Cats said...

Lovely toes, Allie ! We send purrs and purrs to your dad. Purrs

My Mind's Eye said...

kitty kisses on those toesies Allie.
Sending hugs and purrs and love to your Mom and Daddy Madi Raz's gal

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tickling those cute toes:)

All paws crossed for your Dad.

Woos - The OP Pack

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so glad you all are safe and we are purring and praying for your special Daddy.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are purring and praying with all of our might!

Kitties Blue said...

My love, I want to come snuggle with you and kiss those precious toes. I am so happy all of you are safe. Our prayers for Dad Bill never stop. Sending oodles of love and smooches, Mau

pilch92 said...

I want to kiss those toesies. I am praying for your Dad. XO

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Allie, that picture is the most adorable one I've seen in a long while. You sure know how to help your Mom, don't you? We're glad you're all safe and we're thinking of your Daddy too :)

Anonymous said...

The whole family is in our thoughts and prayers....soon things will be back to semi normal. Glad you are home and there is very little least to your house.

Jean, Shoko and Kali

Carol Roe said...

Toes and paws are the cutest and yours are no exception! 🐾
Prayers for daddy Bill. 🙏🏼

The Island Cats said...

Cute toesies, Allie. You must be worn out from the storm. Continued purrs and prayers for you and your family.

meowmeowmans said...

Lovely toesies, Allie! We continue our purrs and prayers for your dad!