
October 4, 2019

Friendly Fill-ins

We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by Four Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing.

Mom is answering for us today!

1. October is the perfect month for _putting up the Fall/Halloween decorations and yes, I already did!_.
2. The most recent purchase I made online was _a new atomic clock for the office since the old one died._.
3. If I turned invisible for a day, _I wonder if the cats would still see me since they see invisible things__.

4.  _Procrastination___ has gotten me in trouble in the past.

Today is also Flashback Friday and we're sharing some Flashback Halloween photos of our Angels.

Angel Ellie sure rocked the Princess look!!


  1. we are ready with the fall decorations too... the sad thing is we have to remove them soon for da christmas stuff...

  2. ELLIE!!! We miss that sweet face. Procrastination is my last name (it would be my middle name ... but I procrastinate, so it's my last name). I don't decorate for the seasons. I blame it on the cats - but I'm just a humbug.

  3. Angel Ellie you are a most lovely fluffy princess.
    I love your invisible answer!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Great answers, and I love the costume! I'm behind - no decorating done yet.

  5. Those were good answers and we love that sweet, sweet flashback.

  6. That is a sweet photo of Angel Ellie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I have most of my Halloween stuff up too :) Have a nice weekend! XO

  7. Aw, what a nice memory of Angel Ellie.

  8. This is about the time the Christmas decorations start showing up in stores. It's never too early to make a profit.

  9. I usually start to procrastinate later...

  10. We are pretty certain that even if invisible the kitties would still know exactly where you are at all times. Mom says that could have been her answer for #4. She is the Queen of Procrastination. Stinky sends Periwinkle purrs and paw-pats. Mau sends Allie all his love and oodles of smooches. p.s. Ellie was a gorgeous princess!


Thanks fur visiting our blog and purring us a message!
The Florida Furkids and Angels Sniffie, Tamir and Clifford