
October 1, 2019

Toon Tuesday

For the month of October, we are featuring Halloween themed Toons.  We hope you enjoy them.

We found this one particularly scary since we heard the dreaded costumes are coming out soon!!


  1. I got a onesie on Bear once ... and I learned my lesson the hard way.

  2. MOL MOL tuck your tails and run for the hills
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. This makes me laugh even more, 'cause I've been searching the interwebs for cat hats, and cat costumes...BWAA HAA HAA!

  4. Well, you probably remember what a disaster the bee costume was that Mom put Astrid in. That will probably be the last of any costumes we see around here. Can’t wait to see you all dressed up, however. Mau sends Allie bazillions of smooches and purrs and all his love. Stinky sends Periwinkle whisker kisses and purrs. And he said to tell her that he’s been good about eating. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


Thanks fur visiting our blog and purring us a message!
The Florida Furkids and Angels Sniffie, Tamir and Clifford