We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by Four Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing.
Mom is answering for us today!
1. You will never find __cigarettes____ in my home. Never smoked and never will
2. Once a year, I __SHOULD get the deck and driveway power washed. With COVID, that's not happening this year.__.
we agree, a lot of things happened as the world was a different place ....
It is hard to believe how different the world became in such a short time. If you had told someone how it would be, they would have thought you were crazy.
The world is a totally different place from what I ever DREAMED it would be - and not in a good way (!). Tamir looks like a control freak (haha).
Hugs, Pam
Those were really good answers and a sweet Angel Tamir flashback.
Love your answers- especially #3....we have had up to 4 cats at one time. Right now our feral rescue kitty Lucy will not allow other cats- even outside! Thanks for what you do for all the kitties you have had! Cheers!
I hear you on the home improvements. We had tentatively scheduled power washing of house and deck and some inside painting but we quickly nixed that idea in early April
Tamir men and their remotes!!!
Hugs Cecilia
Very cute flashback of Angel Tamir. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had the same for 1 and 3 :) The last time we went to the movies was for Star Trek, must be 7 years or so. Have a nice weekend. XO
Great fill-ins and we sure remember those movies which were long ago too. Love seeing Angel Tamir being a real Man Cat managing the remotes
Sometimes, I dream about sneaking a pair of kittens into the house...
Adorable picture!!!
What a great memory of Angel Tamir. We wonder what he was watching.
No cigarettes or smoke smell here either. Our Dad really misses his Saturday afternoon at the movies. He wonders if the theaters will be able to survive:(
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Yep, our mom has never smoked; though, she grew up in a family of smokers. Ah, yes, she too would rescue every cat if she could. A few months ago, our little local theatre where P & S went for one of their adventures sent a survey asking when we thought we would feel safe to return to the movies. They said September. Well, that has come and gone, and they have no intention of going anytime soon. Tamir was a very smart cat! Sawyer sends Noelle a bazillion whisker kisses and oodles of purrs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
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