From the Official Holidaypedia Page:
Answer Your Cat's Question DayEver wonder what your cat's really thinking when he's staring at you? Well today's the day to seriously consider what is that's on your cat's mind? In observance of Answer Your Cat's Question Day, take a moment to gaze into your cat's eyes, chitter-chatter with him or her, observe it's cute body language and ask yourself, "Just what is this cat saying to me?" I'll bet you'll find the answer...
Observed: January 22, annually.
For our National Answer your Cat's Questions Day, we have a few questions for Mom and we know she can't ignore them today.
1. Why don't we have Treats and Stinky Goodness all day long? We think it should be available 24/7. We're wasting away to nothing and Raz is going into Treat Withdrawal.
2. Is there a 12-step program for Raz and his Treat addiction?
3. Why don't you spend more time working on our blog and helping us visit our friends?
4. Why do you feel the need to capture effurything we do with the flashy box? We would like privacy would you like it if we photographed you on the human litterbox???
5. Toys are important. We are cats. Everything is a toy for us. Why don't you fish our toys out from under the sofa more often?
6. Chairs....see question #5. Everything is ours!
7. Napping is a major sport for us, why don't you beans nap more?
8. Why do you try to close the bathroom door? Don't you understand that we worry that you could be in danger in there and we might have to save you from being flushed away???
9. Why do you use that silly voice when you talk to us? We don't change our meow when we speak to you.
10. . About #9.....why don't you meow? Why should WE learn a different language??
11. We like to whap things. Why don't you put more things on the counter for us to whap?
12. When can we do this again?
So what did you ask YOUR beans???
Raz is answering for us today.
1. _#1 above____ is a mystery I would love to know the answer to.
2. _Half a mile_____is the farthest I have ever been from home since that's how far our VET is.
3. I’ve lost count of how many times _I've stolen treats__.
4. _Asking all those questions___ reminds me of how much I need TREATS now._.
My human and I have done this day a few times in the past, so we didn't do it this year. I hope you get the answers you want!
hahaha yes.. we always wonder why humans close the bathroom door LOL
Dad says he always asks mom what she thinks I'm thinking when I stare at them, which I do often. And don't even get me started on the silly voice thing when dad talks as if it's me talking. Your list of questions is awesome, and it made dad laugh and almost spill his java. I have only one question: why is my dad such an idiot.
Too funny about what a cat is thinking.
Often Madi had a look that 100% said
"Mom what were you thinking" and I'm 100% sure the silly mom voice made her cringe.
Hugs cecilia
Those were all good questions and I hope you get some good answers!
dood.....may bee....just a wee little bit may bee.....ewe due haza "thing" for treetz....may bee ;) ♥♥☺☺ !!!!!!!!!
Best questions ever! We have decided we shall present your list to our Mom and tell her it is ours! And Raz, your fill-ins are excellent! Have a marvellously Happy |Day!
We love your questions. We have a favorite: #5. You really made our human laugh today so just for that we're going to have this celebration. That question about the human's changing their voice to get higher...hahaha...and the MEOW question!!!!MOLMOLMOL
Great questions ! We're looking forward to reading your mom's answers ! Purrs
Your post is just what we needed today friends. We got a good MOL and Dad had a LOL. He needed that. (He just paid the heater dood as it was 62 when we woke up) Some good questions and we have the same! Rumpy keeps jumping up and down meowing "Answer #1, Answer #1, Answer #1"
But our ReALLY favorite questions are #9 and #10. the MEOW questions..hehehehe
Those are very good questions. I hope you got the answers you wanted.
Those were all great questions. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. My Sammy is right with you on the treats Raz. Have a nice weekend. XO
Those are some excellent questions! I sure hope you get some answers.
Mom and I both loved todays blog even more than we usually do We are both smiling kitty smiles. I have some of those questions too and loved reading the answers. And about that silly voice! Mom does that too...but, she became aware of it and tries to curb it. Sometimes she speaks normally. Usually she speaks in a higher voice, sigh! And those questions up there...Do birds pee, why do superheroes wear spandex and all the almost swallowed her coffee wrong. *I* thought that was funny!
When your mom told us you had done the fill-ins, Raz, we knew they would mostly be about treats. Those were sure some fine questions you asked your mom. Does she have any intention of answering any of them? Sawyer is sending precious Noelle head bonks and purrs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet
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