August 13, 2021

Friendly Fill-ins and Flashback Friday

  We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by Four Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing.

We took turns this week.  Mom did the first two then Noelle and then Raz.

1. I used to love playing _Jacks___ as a child. Does anybody do that now?

2.When it __rains____I _enjoy listening to it on the roof___.

3. _The first time I Sawyer__ was the moment I realized  I was in love__.

4. _Eating TREATS___ is a simple pleasure that I really enjoy.

Today is also Flashback Friday.  Angel Ellie knew the value of a great box.  WE miss those girls so much.


My Mind's Eye said...

I don't think I've seen a set of jacks in furever. I loved pick up sticks too.
Nose kisses Angel Ellie
Hugs cecilia

Sandee said...

Love your fill-ins and Jacks was one of my favorite games as a child. Marbles was next. Such simple games that were so much fun. I don't know if kids play this anymore.

I know about that love thing. I'm glad you and Sawyer told each other how you feel about each other. Made me smile.

All kitties love treats.

Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

I remember playing jacks as a kid...are we as old as the dinosaurs?
Thank you for your kind comment for our Paddy O'Malley; he left us much too soon, but he gave a ton of love to all while here.

Pam and Teddy said...

I loved playing jacks.....I've seen them for sale in VERY few places so I think they just aren't "in fashion" any more. Love the photo of your "box girl" know neither Sammy nor Ted have ever had a thing for boxes. Wonder why.......

Hugs, Pam

da tabbies o trout towne said...

ellie ewe bee lookin gorgeouz.....troo lee ♥♥♥ pleez ta tell everee one we said HI ~~~~

de gurl sayz her rememburzz jacks !! de toy companeez prob ablee due knot even make em any mor ~~~~

de gurl just googled; they DO ~~~ :) ☺☺♥♥

Katie Isabella said...

Katie Loves it too. Treats I mean.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good answers and a super sweet flashback!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom has jacks here and she taught the grands how to play when they were younger. She loved playing jacks and says she was pretty good at it too:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Kitties Blue said...

Noelle...that is exactly how Mau felt when he first saw Allie. You know I was a little hesitant because of my health. I knew Raz would get in there with treats. So now we know that #s 2,3, and 4 can all work with treats.Love and paw hugs, Sawyer 💖

The Island Cats said...

The mom played jacks too! How about hopscotch? Did you play that too? Some of the kids around here still play that. :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a sweet flashback. I loved to play Jacks too.