Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats
Today's photo prompt is:
The Fashion Show
They saw this at the fashion show
It had to cost lots of dough.
Shoes that are a mile high
Truly a style we'd never even try
Is that a dress or a shirt?
We have lots of THANKFULS today. First up, Reesie was the winner of Teddy's Teaserween contest. Mom made her a Reese's Pieces costume because her official name is Bumblebe's Reese's Pieces. Mom thought it was funny!! If you haven't seen her costume, she'll be sharing it on Sunday for her Sunday Selfie or you can click HERE to see her and all the other pawsome entries.
Mom was also a firstie and won this pawsome Halloween badge! Yay Mom!
that's a good question... we hope the model wear something under that shirt/dress/whatever ;O)
When I was a teenager if the hem of your miniskirt was lower than your fingertips it was too long. I would never have tried wearing shoes like that though.
Obviously, that model hasn't had a Big Mac is a very long time!
Concats on your wins!
She did forget her skirt...
Mol Hugs Cecilia
Double congratulations for Teaser and another congratulations for the poem! I thought it would generate some INTERESTING poetry and it sure has. Thanks for taking on the challenge. Oh and I forgot to say WOO HOO FOR REESIE winning the costume contest.......she was simply ADORABLE.
Hugs, Pam and Teddy too
That was a fun poem and congrats on the fun thankful sweet Reesie! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!
Love your poem. Love the photograph. When I was in my late teens micro minis were in style. I looked good in them too. Not those shoes though. I'd hurt myself even back then.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥
Furrst-terrific poem! And CONCATULATIONS on the wins! Reesie, you rocked the Halloween costume and Mom on being a first commentor!
Cute poem. Congrat to Reesie and your mom! XO
Good job on the poem. That outfit is CRAZY! Congratulations to Reesie. She was so adorable, and we voted for her. Love and paw hugs to Noelle from Sawyer. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet
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