August 16, 2024

Friendly Fill-ins and Flashback Friday

 We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by Four Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing.

We're taking turns again.  Mom, Noelle, Reesie and Periwinkle.

1. I am so not looking forward to _any hurricanes___.

2. Real chick-hen_____ is surprisingly delicious.

3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _I am Princess Puffypants and should be adored_.

4. I would _love it if the week was shorter_ if it meant that I could _have more Adventures with Stinky_.

Today is also Flashback Friday hosted by  Fivesibes

Angel Cubby decided the toy basket was a good place for a nap!


easyweimaraner said...

we look forward to fall... and we hope it will be a nice one :o) hugs to the cute angel... that is a super sweet photo...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad we don't get hurricanes, but we usually get the tail end of them. Depending on the way it pushes the jet stream dictates the weather it brings. The latest one looks like it will bring rain!
Cute photo of Angel Cubby.

Lynn and Precious said...

One sweet tiny looking angel in a little basket. And I cannot imagine what it's like to live in hurricane territory.

Eastside Cats said...

Baskets are always a good place for a nap.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were good answers! Awww, sweet Angel Cubby was a cutie.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "That is some excellent basket-sitting Angel Cubby was doing. Maybe she was an honorary cat?"

Kitties Blue said...

Good job from everyone on the fill-ins. We loved Princess Reesie’s, and Stinky thinks Periwinkle’s is a purrfect idea. And we all pray the hurricanes stay away from you all. We have had some toy basket nappers here through the years. Sawyer sends oodles of love and purrs to Noelle. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

My Mind's Eye said...

3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _I am Princess Puffypants and should be adored_.
Hey Angel Cubby
Hugs Cecilia

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Cubby fit perfectly!!!

pilch92 said...

Angel Cubby was a cutie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from all. XO

Pam and Teddy said...

Angel Cubby looks like he found the PERFECT size basket! We think you did a great job on the fill-ins and absolutely hope that you do NOT have any nasty hurricanes!!

Hugs, Teddy and Mom

messymimi said...

We are all praying for no hurricanes this season.

Princess Puffypants, I like that.

Angel Cubby was most precious. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!