August 1, 2024

Poetic Thankful Thursday

We want to wish all our woofie friends a Happy National Dog Month!

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

Today's photo prompt is

We hope you like our Haiku
Too scary for us
We'll keep our paws on the ground
We will say no way

Today is also Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Stinky wants to let you know he is THANKFUL for everyone who cheered his receiving the Gold Medal for climbing at the Olympics.  If you missed it, click HERE.


easyweimaraner said...

now way we too say LOL

Zoolatry said...

No way, no way.
Not today.
Up and down,
curving all around,
not for us,
never, never we say!

Loved your haiku, purr-fect!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We hope there are lots of happy woofies today. Good thankful and fun poem! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Wow, that is up pretty high! Highest cat wins! Wait, why are we rolling down the hill now? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Katie Isabella said...

If the highest cat wins, Sawtwer will come home with a medal!

Eastside Cats said...

We agree!

Kitties Blue said...

Dear Periwinkle, I am so sorry. I only climbed that coaster to help Mom with her poem. I couldn’t look down when I got there. I was afraid I would hurl. Please forgive me.Love and whisker kisses, Stinky 💓

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy National Dog week to all our K9 friends
Loved you poem
Hugs Cecilia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a no way from me too!

The Island Cats said...

That roller coaster is giving me the heebee jeebees!

pilch92 said...

Good job on the poem. :)

messymimi said...

While I agree, part of me wishes I could go on something like that. It would be a grand adventure.

Pam and Teddy said...

I agree with you......this looks just a little beyond my "comfort zone" !!

Hugs, Teddy