September 1, 2024

Happy Birthday Sunday Selfies

Can you believe our sweet little Noelle and Periwinkle are seven?  It seems like just yesterday she came to live with us.   We don't know the actual date of Noelle/Periwinkle's birthday but picked September 1.  A lot has happened this year, including Periwinkle and Stinky getting engaged.  We are so grateful she has such a nice fiance.  Noelle is also thrilled that she has her wonderful boyfriend, Sawyer!

Noelle says "Every year my Mom tries to get me to wear this STUPID really cute birthday hat but, unlike super meowdel Kizmet, I am not into modeling!"

Periwinkle had no problems wearing a birthday hat!  

Now....let's PARTY!!!

Please enjoy some real live dead Shrimps....

Some deee-lish Ham...

Enjoy a Meowgarita.  

We have a cake made by Cooper Murphy!

and Cupcakes

We have a band for your listening and dancing pleasure!

Don't forget to take a toy home as a memento of our party.

Thanks for sharing our special day with us.

Noelle and Periwinkle are pawticipating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies today.


The Chair Speaks said...

Happy seventh birthday, Noelle and Periwinkle! That's a swell party you guys are having with lots of yummy food! Hugs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy birthday Noelle and Periwinkle.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

A super dooper seventh birthday wish to you both. And what a spread you have laid on for us. The ham for me!
Have a great week

Lynn and Precious said...

Noelle, happy 7th birthday. Looks like that's going to be one heck of a party going on today.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday sweetie girls, you are both totally adorable!

My Mind's Eye said...

HaPPY 7TH Noelle and Periwinkle...7 is a lucky #!!
Hugs Cecilia

da tabbies o trout towne said...

a most happee birthday two ewe bothπŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’– 7 izza pawsum number …thanx for de pawtee nomz….they bee grate and yur cake iz like epic lee kewl πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚ heerz two a grate day, happee and healtheez yeer a head,
and periwinkle….purrhaps next yeer noelle will wearz a hat. ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Birthday sweetheart. Those toesie cupcakes are da bomb!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Happy big oh-seven!"
Oona: "Many happy returns!"
Charlee: "Is there any shrimp left ... ?"

Kitties Blue said...

Sawyer and Stinky are a super bad boyfriend and fiancΓ©, but it is really their mom who cannot get it together. Noelle's birthday gift is in the closet in plain sight and has been there for months. You would think she could have gotten it in the mail. Added to that, is the fact that she downloaded all the special badges for this month, but didn't even check them, so did not acknowledge Ginger Cat Appreciation Day. She has remedied that by belatedly adding the badge to today's post. Now that we have rambled on this long, all the Kitties Blue and especially Stinky and Sawyer send birthday wishes πŸ’πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸ˜» to Periwinkle and Noelle along with lots and lots of love, paw hugs and whisker kisses. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday Noelle and Periwinkle! XO

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday Noelle/Periwinkle !

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Noelle. How can it be seven years already??? Hope you and Periwinkle enjoy your day and have some special time with Sawyer/Stinky too.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday to you and your counterpart, Noelle! This is a terrific party!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Noelle and Periwinkle! We love you, and hope your day is super special!

M Dawson said...

I Love the idea of real live dead shrimps..... MOL!!!

Happy Birthday sweet lady!!!

Eastside Cats said...

Whoa, what a par-tay!
Happy Birthday, Noelle!
Manny and CB are dancing to the music.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Wishing you a purrfect day!!!

messymimi said...

My cats and I all wish you many happy returns of the day!

Pam and Teddy said...

Dear Sweet Noelle - We hope your birthday was every bit as special as you are......!

Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

katsrus said...

Happy Birthday to you.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Belated Birthday Greetings to YOU, sweet girl!

Fur Everywhere said...

Happy Birthday, Noelle and Periwinkle! And here's to many, many more!