September 11, 2024

Wordy Wednesday


We share this post every year but it still brings back the memories of that tragic day...

 We will never forget...

By FAR the day that stands out to most of us in history is 9/11/01. Today, many years later, we will never forget... where we were that day... what we were doing when we heard... 
Mom and Dad had just returned from a cruise to Alaska.  Dad's brother and a friend were here because they took care of us while Mom and Dad were away.  The TV was on and someone said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center.  Mom immediately called Auntie El who still lived in New Jersey to tell her. Together they all watched the second plane crash into the second tower.  For days after that, Mom says she just remembers silence and numbness. Everyone seemed to whisper, everyone was polite... it was strange. No airplanes in the sky. Constant reminders that life would never be the same again... Even though life eventually got back to normal, even though it was a new normal, America had been changed. We will never forget. 

Where were you when you heard?

Our prayers are with the families who lost loved ones in the Towers, at the Pentagon, and in the field in Pennsylvania.  We are also sad because our friend Cathy Keisha always did a special post for this day.  Unfortunately, both CK and TW have left us and are together at the Bridge now.

Noelle is praying for the families and our country. 


easyweimaraner said...

we forget a lot, every day... but like so much people we never forget what we did the moment the news came it....

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is a day which will never be forgotten.

Lynn and Precious said...

I remember exactly what I was doing that day and that I saw the other plane flying to the second tower. It breaks my heart to think of it everyday.

Sandee said...

I will never forget that day. Never. May it never be repeated.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh I am standing at attention with my hand over my heart...what a lovely post
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I will never, ever forget and I will never forgive those who made it happen.

messymimi said...

Lots of prayers today.

I was getting the children ready for preschool, and yes, we still had it to make everything as normal as possible for them.

Kitties Blue said...

Mom was surprised this morning when she didn’t realize it was the 11th. So hard to forget any day not just today. As she and dad no longer take a newspaper or watch the news on TV, there were no reminders until she started reading posts. It still seems unthinkable that that horrendous day happened. Thank you for remembering. Sawyer was super excited to see Noelle and sends her love and paw hugs. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

pilch92 said...

Love the photo of Noelle. Nice tribute. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I found out when I got to work and turned on my computer. I will never, ever forget.

meowmeowmans said...

We live just north of New York City. Almost everyone from our area was directly affected, or has family or friends who were. We will never forget.

Pam and Teddy said...

We were in Paris on 9/11 as you know - we've told our story many times but it still feels like yesterday. We wanted to be here with our family but had to watch from afar. To this day we remember every moment of EVERYTHING and its' a reminder to not only enjoy every moment of today, but to keep the memory of those who died in our hearts and hope they rest easy.

Hugs, Pam

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Our Dada says he was in a meeting at the lab where he worked when somebody knocked on the door and said they needed the television ― it was the only TV in the building at the time. Once that got turned on, the meeting and all work came to a halt until eventually everyone sort of drifted home."