January 2, 2025

Poetic Thankful Thursday

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

Today's photo prompt is

The Panda Party

Baby pandas, full of glee,
Celebrating a birthday is the key!
One panda claps, another sings,
As confetti falls like fluttering wings.
They tumble and giggle, rolling in cheer,
It’s the happiest day of the year!

Today is also Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

We're THANKFUL the loud boomies from New Year's Eve stopped (although it wasn't until way after Midnight)

December 31, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky - New Year's Eve


Periwinkle hopped into the Teleportation Tunnel to meet Stinky.  She hoped they both set their coordinates correctly since they were going to their cottage.  She didn't have to worry because they both popped out of their Tunnels simultaneously and fell into each other's paws.  Stinky said, "Periwinkle, it's so nice to come to our cottage for New Year's Eve.  Did you invite our fursibs too?"  Periwinkle said she did not because she thought it would be nice for them to have a special evening together. "Did you bring your tuxedo?" she asked.  Stinky said he did but wondered why.  Periwinkle encouraged him to go put it on while she went to change too.  "WOW, you look beautiful," said Stinky.  Periwinkle told him she thought he looked very handsome.  He blushed and noted that she was wearing her engagement collar. 

Paw in paw they walked to the garden as they talked about their week since Christmas and how nice it was to have dinner together on Christmas Eve.

They passed their kitchen on the way to the garden and Stinky was impurressed with all the food and treats and nip champagne Periwinkle had for them.  She even had a mousie cake and lobster tails.

Stinky gasped when he saw their gazebo.  "OMC, Periwinkle, you've created such an elegant place for us to have dinner" he exclaimed.  Periwinkle pointed out the musician and the waiter saying they would enjoy their dinner without lifting a paw!

The tabbies had a leisurely dinner and held paws and looked lovingly into each other's eyes.  Periwinkle got some butter from her lobster on her furs and Stinky giggled and helped her clean her furs.  They sipped nip champagne and savored the food and their time together.  

When they were finished, Periwinkle led him into their living room which she had decorated for New Year's.  Periwinkle said, "I thought it would be fun to sit here by the fire and remember the fun Adventures we had this year."  Stinky agreed.  They both had favorites that they wanted to share. 

Both tabbies immediately said "OUR ENGAGEMENT" which made them giggle since they were so in tune with each other.  Click (HERE) to read that very special one.

"Of course, Valentine's Day is always a favorite," said Periwinkle adding that she especially enjoyed the love letters they wrote each other.  Click HERE to see that post and read their letters.

They both said they liked sharing St Gertrude of Nivelles, Patron Saint of Cats,  with their friends.  Click HERE to see that post.

"The Tallahassee Museum was fun too," said Stinky.  Click HERE to see that post.  Periwinkle rolled her eyes as she remembered Stinky on the zipline!

"One of the highlights for me was when we went to the Olympics and you won a medal.  I was soooo proud of you even though it was for climbing," said Periwinkle.  Click HERE to see Stinky and his medal.

Everyone always enjoys the Blessing of the Pets.  Click HERE to see that post.

Stinky added, "The Neptune festival was fun too.  I especially liked the sand sculpture we did."  Click (HERE) to see this one.  He also mentioned World Animal Enrichment day (HERE)

Walter and the Black Cats (HERE) and (HERE)and saving the Turkeys (HERE) are annual events too.

Holding paws they thought of all the other fun Adventures they had.  Visiting cat museums all over the world and fun events locally.

"We really are two lucky tabbies" they both said!! 

Periwinkle and Stinky had purrmission from their parents to stay overnight since they didn't want to be traveling after their nip champagne.  They had one more toast, whisker kissed and said "Happy New Year" and quickly fell asleep.

December 30, 2024

Monday Sparks


Even though McGuffy's reader is taking a break, we are continuing our Monday Sparks posts!  From the original Sparks posts:

Welcome to Sparks. Many years ago, it was my intent to post an inspirational thought each Monday. It would be my weekly meditation, and perhaps feed other people's spirit as well. Life got busy, and this fell by the wayside. Now, I feel a strong need to bring this feature back. 
The negative energy in the world has become thick and oppressive. Social media has become a part of this dark, negative storm. There is an obvious universal need for more positive energy and peace. And, we can all be part of this affirmative change. 
I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!
I hope you will join us. Please link up a positive quote, thought, poem, or verse. The badge and code can be found in my sidebar. Add the badge to your post to invite others. The more, the merrier. I welcome your thoughts. Peace.

December 29, 2024

Sunday Selfies

Remember our woofie pal Bear that Mom took care of a few months ago?  She spent Christmas with him and his family and he asked to take a Selfie in his Christmas sweater.  Isn't he cute???

 We're pawticipating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies today.

December 28, 2024

Caturday Cat Art

 Once again we got more Christmas Cards than Mom did.  Cats 25, Mom 11.  We also got a TON of e-cards!!  Thank you to everyone who sent a snail mail or e-card!   Our art for today is our cards with a frame from FavPng.

We're joining Athena's Caturday Art Blog Hop

See more Caturday Cat Art HERE.

December 27, 2024

Friendly Fill-ins and Pet Photo Fails

 We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by Four Legged Furballs and 15 and Meowing.

We're taking turns,  Noelle has the first two, Mom the third and Reesie the fourth.

1. Opening gifts from Sawyer__ was the highlight of my Christmas.
2. I ate too much (many)__Churu/Squeezies__ on Christmas. (is that really possible?)
3. Even though Christmas Day has passed, I _keep decorations up until Epiphany. ___.
4. I’d still like to _spend more time sleeping under the tree_ before this year is over.

We're also participating in Pet Photo Fails hosted by Mudpie from Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows!

It would have been cuter if you could have seen Noelle's face.  At least Mom got a nice shot of her "curl" tailio.

December 26, 2024

Boxing Day and Poetic Thankful Thursday


Reesie says the gifts are great and the boxes are even better!!

Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

Today's photo prompt is

The Christmas Lights

We're glad this isn't our house.
These lights could scare off a mouse.
We'll be taking things down isn't fun.
The boxes they're in must weigh a ton.
We'll have to admit it is quite a sight.
They had to have fun on Christmas night!

Today is also Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

We're THANKFUL Santa didn't see us when we were naughty!!!

December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to all of our pals and your families.  We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for!
Reesie, Noelle, Periwinkle, Stinky and Mom Sharon

December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve and Toon Tuesday

 Remember to visit The Cat On My Head to see what Stinky has planned for today's Adventure!  

Click HERE to Teleport over.