It's Black Friday and we kitties love to shop.... Here we have Ellie checking out the sales at Macys and Walgreens - she thinks there might be some good buys on toys at Walgreens...
hmm...big sales here Mom....
Allie says she wants this Digital Frame for her pictures...
Sniff wants to know why Mom didn't use these coupons to buy her a tasty ham of her own...
The Woofies want their own computer so the cats can't hog the blog...
Hmm...Elle doesn't think these look anything like her toys....
Hey look...
we can buy these cool kitchen gadgets and Mom can make us tasty treats
like chick-hen!
Raz says "Hey guys......forget those ads....look at THIS"
Good job all of you picking out the stuff you want. But Raz has the best idea. Fancy Feast. Hope all of you have a great time shopping. I think we will stay home.
You found some great bargains! Our humans got a bargain on a fake green tree that they stood up indoors and proceeded to dangle cat toys from. So we know that was a bargain just for us. You should talk to your people about getting one of those, too. They make great climbing....
we noe R commint haz nothin ta due with yur post but we haz eated two manee piez and be sneekin over heer stead of werkin
heerez a copee N paste
hit it:
burd day iz over but weez knot sad we eated noe burd N we bee trooly glad if ya haz sum pie ya can still cell a brate hope yur week oh end iz trooly sooper grate
Some of those looked like tasty coupons! We found ads for Feline Greenies but no coupon :( and more tree houses and Fancy Feasts and oh, our brother's paintings are on sale over at Hope you find some good deals. Have a good weekend! Purrs...
BOL - no shopping here today - the Momster says it is too wild and crazy out there and so not worth it. She says she will do most of her shopping online this year. We will have to help her find the right sites to be looking at:)
I found some great ones over at my blog--but you'll have to guess where!
MOL, we're not crazy enough to go out shopping today! Hope you have fun though!
Prancer Pie read the ads, but is relieved that Mom is just hangin out at home instead!
We're not going to any real stores today...but I bet the credit card might get some use online!
(I think Glogirly is going to buy me a new bed!)
Happy Shopping!
xo, Katie
My human mostly shops online, except when she goes out to buy us cat food!
It looks as though you found the best of the great bargains Raz.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I just know you will find some great deals today!
Happy weekend!!!
You guys need to find the PetSmart ad! We bet there's lots of cool stuff in there!! Have fun shopping!!
Good job all of you picking out the stuff you want. But Raz has the best idea. Fancy Feast. Hope all of you have a great time shopping. I think we will stay home.
you wouldn't find me with those crazies!!
You found some great bargains! Our humans got a bargain on a fake green tree that they stood up indoors and proceeded to dangle cat toys from. So we know that was a bargain just for us. You should talk to your people about getting one of those, too. They make great climbing....
we noe R commint haz nothin ta due with
yur post but we haz eated two manee piez
and be sneekin over heer stead of werkin
heerez a copee N paste
hit it:
burd day iz over but weez knot sad
we eated noe burd N we bee trooly glad
if ya haz sum pie ya can still cell a brate
hope yur week oh end iz trooly sooper grate
haza awesum week oh end, peace out N rock on
My friend bought a sandwich. :)
Some of those looked like tasty coupons! We found ads for Feline Greenies but no coupon :( and more tree houses and Fancy Feasts and oh, our brother's paintings are on sale over at Hope you find some good deals. Have a good weekend! Purrs...
Believe it or not, Mommy got cat food for us on SALE!
Great pictures!!!!
no shopping for me...
MOL, you all are doing a good job finding bargains, especially the ham!
Our mommy shopped online today and we bet some packages arrive for us!
BOL - no shopping here today - the Momster says it is too wild and crazy out there and so not worth it. She says she will do most of her shopping online this year. We will have to help her find the right sites to be looking at:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
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