December 8, 2016

Poetic Thursday "Z"

Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pal Sammy at One Spoiled Cat.

Today's letter is "Z"   You would think this would be a tough one, right?   Nah....we've got this one covered!


Zoralda  you ask....what could that be?
Is it a nom, a toy or a tea?
Is it a game?
Is it a name?
Is a Zoralda a new place to go?
Or is it a new plant to grow?
Is Zoralda a store?
Or a Cat Scout style s'more?
Is a Zoralda cute?
Or is it a hoot?
Well dear friends,
Here the mystery ends.
Zoralda, you see,
is our sweet ALLIE!!!

Did we fool you?   Yes, our sweet Allie's "official" name is Zoralda!!!

We can't wait to see the other "Z" poems today!!  We're also using this as our Thankful Thursday post since Allie is very THANKFUL for her sweet husband Mauricio from The Cat On My Head.


Summer at said...

You have a very fancy name, Allie!

easyweimaraner said...

oh that was great... and a little bit like a teaser... well done :o)

The Island Cats said...

What a sweet poem, Allie. We knew that was your real name, but we like Allie best. :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Allie you for sure fooled us. Zoralda was a unique name and it has a nice right...Allie suits you though. We once knew a kitty name Zelda. My human sis's first kitty of her very own was a pure breed Cornish Rex. The breeder named her litters by the alphabet. Sis's kitty was in the N litter. Her official name was Narly...that did NOT suit a lovely calico lady so sis called her Cali.
Hugs Madi Raz's gal

pilch92 said...

That is a great poem, I would have never guessed what that meant :)

Kitties Blue said...

The most beautiful ZORALDA in the entire sweet wife, Allie. I'll love you to the end of time and am sending a smooch for every poem ever written. Hugs, Your husband Mau

Anonymous said...

Well Zoralda is decidedly cute (one of your poem questions) but she most definitely looks like an Allie!!!!!

Thanks for pawticipating in the Poetic Thursday week we start all over again with "A"!

Love, Angel Sam

da tabbies o trout towne said...

allie...yur poem rocks N sew does yur driverz licentz name !!!! it bee awesum !! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Zoralda is perfect for Z!

Anonymous said...

Allie..Zoralda, is a different name. I guess it's on your marriage licence to Mau. I lick the nickname Allie best. I guess your mom and dad could have nick named you Zory but I still like Allie best.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I had forgotten your name was Zoralda, that surely must mean beautious! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That is one unique name!

Timmy Tomcat said...

You sure fooled all of us! Allie you really look gorgeous!