June 24, 2018

Sunday Selfies

We're pawticipating in The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies today.

Remember our Cousin Trooper???

We are happy to say that Mom's friend Charlotte, who adopted Cousin Trooper after Auntie El went to Heaven, adopted two 10 year old sisters.  Charlotte volunteers with Hospice and these two kitties lost their Daddy.  We are pleased to introduce Jackie and Cuddles.  Jackie has the stubby tail and Cuddles has the one that goes on forever.  Jackie and Cuddles are sisters and they were lucky to be adopted together.

Cuddles hit the camera a little too late for her selfie...

Jackie did a little better....

We are so happy that these two special girls got a home together!  We promise to show you more of them in the future.

Today is also Cat World Domination Day

Cat World Domination Day was started by our pal Sparkle and is continued by Summer.  You can join in the party at Summer's blog HERE.   You can also learn more about this special day by reading THIS interview that Summer's human Janiss did for the Cat Blogosphere!

Cats RULE!!!


Anonymous said...

Jackie and Cuddles are such beautiful cats! I love the grey coats. Absolutely wonderful. Such a lovely lady to adopt them....and keep them together.


The Chair Speaks said...

We are so happy these two lovely sisters have a lovely home. Purrs!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

That is so awesome that Trooper's human adopted these two kitties! Paws up!

Pam and Teddy said...

How lucky these two ladies are to be able to stay together in a new home after losing their Dad. I think it's lovely that Trooper's Mom adopted them. A truly LOVING thing to do. I hope they are super happy together for a long time.

Hugs, Teddy

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Now that is wonderful news for this special day! I look forwards to seeing more of their selfies as they become more used to their new lives...
Toodle pips and purrs

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, hooray for those sweet girls!

Kitties Blue said...

What lucky sisters to get a new home and get to stay together for their first as well as their second adoption. Looks as if they have settled right in. Thanks for sharing them. You know how much our mom likes grey kitty. So wonderful of Charlotte to give them this new home. Sending oodles of smooches to Allie from Mau and all his love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice to meet Jackie and Cuddles, we're glad they found a good forever home. Happy Cat World Domination Day ! Purrs

Katie Isabella said...

OH that makes me and mommy so happies. Those sisfers are so grateful I just know it. Thank you to Trooper's Momma.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So nice for the two pretty sisters to be able to stay together. Thanks to that nice lady - she has a habit of stepping in where she is needed:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, this makes our hearts sing❤Pawkisses for a wonderful day🐾😙😻

Terri said...

We particularly love people who adopt older cats! How wonderful these two sweeties got to stay together :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are lovely sisters and I am glad they are able to stay together.

catsynth said...

Welcome, Jackie and Cuddles! They are beautiful, and we're always glad to hear about kitties finding forever homes <3

Anonymous said...

I don't remember Trooper, but My Mom and Kozmo do. How wonderful that Charlotte has adopted Jackie and Cuddles! They have the bestest new home EVER!! I can't wait to hear more about their new life.

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Cat World Domination Day! I'm glad Jackie and Cuddles have a human to dominate today.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

They are so darling! What a pawsome story.

The Island Cats said...

Paws up to Miss Charlotte for adopting these two cuties!

pilch92 said...

Jackie and Cuddles are adorable, I am glad they have a forever home. Happy World Cat Domination Day!XO

meowmeowmans said...

Miss Charlotte is awesome for adopting Jackie and Cuddles. :)

Happy Cat World Domination Day!

M Dawson said...

A HUGE WELCOME to Jackie and Cuddles. How wonderful to see you! Welcome!!

Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew