February 9, 2021

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky

Periwinkle stood at the entrance to the Teleportation Tunnel eagerly awaiting the arrival of her special boyfriend, Stinky.  She could barely sleep last night because she was so excited about seeing him.  He was such a great guy and she considered herself a very lucky girlcat.

WOOOSH.....he tumbled out of the Tunnel and into her waiting paws.  They giggled,  shared paw pats and whisker kisses and spent a few minutes catching up.  They both agreed that the week seemed to last forever and were so happy to be together.

"It sure is cold here in Florida" said Stinky.  He was glad Periwinkle told him to wear his scarf and warm hat.  Periwinkle explained that they were going to be outside and she didn't want him to be cold.

"Where are we going today?" he asked.  "Remember how we went to visit the Manatees last year?  Well, there's a whole new batch this year and I thought we should go visit them."  "Cool beans" said Stinky.

The two piled into Mom Sharon's car and Stinky was surprised that it wasn't the cute little car they rode in last time.  Periwinkle explained that the cute car was gone.  It had problems starting and then left Mom Sharon stranded on the road one morning so they had to get a new car.  As much as she liked the new one, she was concerned that she heard Mom Sharon say this car was a lot bigger and had room for MORE CATS.  "Yikes, does that mean you are going to get more fursibs?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle said she thought that might be happening.  She knew that Mom Sharon really wanted to get another Birman one day soon but that nothing was happening right away.

When they arrived at the park, they saw lots of folks watching the Mantees.  Some recognized them from last year and welcomed them back.

Stinky ran right up to the edge to see the Manatees.  They both were impressed by how many were there.

"I know you told me why they come here but I don't remember," said Stinky.   Periwinkle pointed to the sign explaining why they came to DeSoto canal.

Periwinkle took a video of the Manatees too!

The two took a photo by the Manatee sign because it was so cute!

Stinky ran across the park to where the walking path and exercise equipment was.  They both giggled at him on one of the machines.  

It was pretty cold out but they took a few minutes to enjoy the Temptations that Periwinle had packed for them.

After their snack, Periwinkle's Mom came by to take them back to the house.  They spent some time snuggling, whisker kissing and holding paws.  They always hated this part because they knew it meant their adventure was coming to an end.  After thanking Mom Sharon for taking them to the park and visiting with Periwinkle's fursibs, Stinky entered the Teleportation Tunnel and, blowing a kiss to Periwinkle, he was gone.

Periwinkle found a nice sun puddle and decided to take a nap and dream about her special guy.


easyweimaraner said...

oooh you really saw them? we love this magic animals!!! how good that your mama has such a fab new car, so you can travel super fast ;O)

Brian's Home Blog said...

They are so amazing to see! Our Dad remembers seeing them many times when he was in FL.

Kitties Blue said...

Those manatees are packed in like sardines. MOL. Stinky and Periwinkle sure get to do some fun things. The rest of us are getting kinda jealous. Stinky’s alter ego, Sawyer, had a seizure just before dinner time last night, so he is happy Stinky had this nice diversion today. We all send love and warm hugs to “cold” Florida and Periwinkle’s family. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet with oodles of whisker kisses for Noelle from Sawyer

Eastside Cats said...

Another terrific adventure, kitties!
If Florida thinks they are cold...well, never mind...we live in the Tundra these days!
But, soon enough, we'll see the temps rise, so may as well get use out of those wool scarves and hats for now.

My Mind's Eye said...

First of all Periwinkle I'm loving your red hat and scarf and your red shades Stinky. OH my cats the Mantees are absolutely amazing I had no idea there were that many down your way. Do they live there year around? The water appears to be very shallow.
PS I enjoyed the adventure too
Hugs Cecilia

Marvelous Marv said...

You guys are too cute! We love your visits and this week's was especially fun! We did not know much about Manatees and we went and read up about them (and the cold you guys have been having) You guys are awesome. Have an AMAZING day.

Kathe W. said...

oh my goodness- look at how many there are! Hard to believe Florida cold be cold! Have a fun day!

Sandee said...

How fun. I wish I could have gone with you. You two do the greatest things.

I'm glad mom has a dependable car now. That's always a plus.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to mom Sharon. ♥

Pam and Teddy said...

I just love manatees - I saw them in one area we used to visit when I lived in Florida. They are such special creatures! What a fun adventure to visit them in the canal.

Hugs, Pam

Timmy Tomcat said...

That was really a fun trip and thanks for bringing us along. We had no idea that the cold got them to seek the warmer canals and areas but that only makes sense. They are really amazing. Did you like that walker Stinky MOL We hope to see you both next week

pilch92 said...

That was a fun date. I hope your mom does get another sibling for you- the more the merrier. XO

The Island Cats said...

Those manatees are really cool! I wish we had some here. ~Ernie

catladymac said...

Wow ! There sure were a lot of manatees in that canal! Good for them ! We've seen some of the shows about the zoos that help them heal up and get back to the wild when they get injured.

meowmeowmans said...

How amazing! We saw the manatees, too when we visited Florida. We love them.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

oh em cod guyz...how awesum iz thiz add venturez !!!! de manatee iz a total lee awesum sea cow !!!!! thanx for sharin de moovee ....we iz glad de canal offerz a place ta chillax... tho we hope de dood at de bak doez knot wanna get ta sea any time soon...himz got a crowd ta pass thru huh !!! WAY grate add venture two day :) ♥♥♥

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

OMC! That is a LOT of manatees!!
I didn't know that about them. (I read the sign).

What a fun adventure that was you two!