June 29, 2021

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle sits by the Teleportation Tunnel crying softly.  Her wonderful boyfriend Stinky is missing and her heart is breaking.  She keeps checking the tunnel for the familiar WOOSH, but there isn't one.  She had a special adventure planned for his upcoming birthday and she hopes he comes home soon so they can have their Adventure together.  Periwinkle is sad that Stinky has gone on an Adventure by himself but hopes he is back soon. She thinks it can't be much fun being on an Adventure by yourself.  Her brofur, Raz, comes over and hugs her and the two of them sit together, crying.  They hold paws and say a prayer that Stinky will return safely. 

Please keep up the purrs and prayers for Stinky/Sawyer to return.   Click HERE to read his Pawboost Alert.  


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Now I am crying too...

Stinky (Sawyer), please make yourself to be found. We all need you back where you belong, esp your Own furmily and Periwinkle...she misses you so much...

Hugs to all... ♥

easyweimaraner said...

we send lots of hope to sawyer and to his mama... and if a miracle is needed, please let it happen...

Eastside Cats said...

If we were anywhere nearby, we'd be out looking for Sawyer, you'd best believe that!

My Mind's Eye said...

Periwinkle I am so very very sorry to read that Stinky is still missing.
Sending up purrs to the universe
Hugs Cecilia

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

We hope Sawyer/Stinky comes home where he belongs - and Noelle/Periwinkle gets her best friend back! We're all heartbroken and praying for a happy ending.

Sandee said...

My heart is breaking too. I hope Sawyer finds his way home safe and sound.

Lots of scritches and hugs to Periwinkle.

Thank you for joining the Happy (not so much) Tuesday Blog Hop. ♥

Marvelous Marv said...

We are our rating Sawyer is found and is OK. We send Noelle and Periwinkle love, strength and hope.

Pam and Teddy said...

Nothing on this earth would make us happier than to hear that Sawyer is HOME and SAFE and OK. If he knew how many people are praying for his safe return I think he would be SO sorry he ran away. We will continue to hope and pray for the email from Mom Janet that Sawyer is HOME AGAIN. Noelle, we send you big hugs because I know your heart is breaking.

Love, Teddy (and Mom Pam)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Checking Facebook constantly for news that he's been found. Sawyer, COME HOME!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sad, sad, sad and more sads.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

periwinkle; we iz sad two and we haz been askin R pal St Francis ta PLEEEEZ watch out for, watch over, and guide Stinky home...like now...♥♥♥

Kitties Blue said...

Dear Periwinkle/Noelle, Raz and Mom Sharon. Our mom is crying and praying right along with you. She and Dad have done everything humanly possible to bring him home safe before time runs out. We love you all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy & Kizmet

katsrus said...

We're praying and purring for his safe return.

Susan from Bucks County said...

Dear sweet Periwinkle our hearts are breaking too. Asking St Francis for his help too. If I lived closer, I would help search for Stinky. Sending you hugs!

Andy said...

We are continuing to purr and pray for Sawyer/Stinky to come home.

catladymac said...

We continue our purrayers for Sawyer/Stinky to come home safe and sound.

The Island Cats said...

I won't stop purring until Sawyer is home! ~Ernie

meowmeowmans said...

We're purring and praying so hard for Sawyer/Stinky to come home safely. XO